Development Anything technical related to MusicBrainz goes here. Do you have question about MusicBrainz development? Having issues setting up the virtual machine? Trouble figuring out why the web service is returning something other than you expected? This category is the place to ask! Autoeditors This category allows MusicBrainz auto-editors to discuss things separately from other MusicBrainz users (mostly elections of other auto-editors). Anyone can see what is being discussed here, but only auto-editors may post. Classical This is a category to debate issues specific to classical music in MusicBrainz (in the widest sense of the term). Here you can: Style This is a category for questions and ideas regarding MusicBrainz style (that is, what data to enter and how). For sharing ideas and asking questions, just start a topic! Any formal style proposals should follow our proposal procedure though, and be added as STYLE tickets in Jira.