This is a mail I got at support, but that should probably be discussed in here, mostly because I know very little about this kind of stuff, being not-British and too young to buy newspapers.
I’m having a problem with how UK Newspaper freebie releases are/should be recorded. There are several hundred of these, so I think it is quite important. Living where you do, it’s probable that you have never encountered one of these beasts, so I’ll assume you have no knowledge of them and give you a full description.
In a bid to prop up falling sales numbers, many of the UK newspapers began giving away CDs with each copy of the paper. They were all single CD releases, but often they would release one with a daily paper, with the promise of a second disc to follow with their weekend issue. In these cases the first disc was housed in a gatefold card sleeve with the right-hand portion intended to house the second (Sunday) disc. (and you would discard the sleeve of the second one). This is just a storage device - NONE of them were issued as A PAIR - so in fact they were all INDIVIDUAL releases. (despite the fact that some were labelled ‘Double Album’ - a marketing conceit, not a release definition).
Some of these ‘pairs’ distinguished the two discs with Volume numbers, CD 1 and CD 2, different sub-titles and some with different artwork for each disc in the pair. Unfortunately, some don’t.
The problem is that many database contributors have bundled the two discs together into one release. (same problem at Discogs). This causes difficulties for people who rip discs and then rely on something like MusicBrainz or Discogs to provide the metadata for their library software. (a good example is Dan Gravell’s ‘bliss’ software).
In my opinion :
If one subscribes to the view that they were only ever separate releases, the database should show just 2 entries. (with a cross-ref if necessary). This has the additional benefit that artwork can be shown for ‘pairs’ having different artwork for each disc. One difficulty with this approach is how to differentiate the discs in pairs which have no distinguishing numbers or names. Disambiguation doesn’t work for people using the database to fill their tags.
Alternatively, if there is felt to be a need to show both discs as a single release, then there should be 3 entries - one for the pair and 1 each for the individual discs.
I have no idea what is a good way to approach this - is this the same idea as the CD 1 + CD 2 UK singles?