Requests for Votes Thread

I stand corrected, there’s one more, sorry:

Not mine just posting so people can offer opinions.

Fandom Name
ABNEW (에비뉴)

The track credits the groups fandom (People who are fans of the group, in case that needs to be clarified)

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Can someone please vote on theese edits? Wacken Open Air has performing artists on Sunday already so I had to shift the day number. Search for edits - MusicBrainz

Need to enter the schedule because it starts in a week.

Can I get some eyes on this release group merge? It appears to be a case of an album re-release masquerading as a compilation album, but I’d like to make sure.

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Medium edits because the digital version is not CD:
Edit #114109833 - MusicBrainz /
And also because I want to merge all the recordings with the CD version, as I had no idea what was what when I added the CD release.
EDIT: Cancelled

Edit #114115249 - MusicBrainz - I have another mistake of mine to fix.

beginner editor has contributed the data in the wrong entity type, request to remove and request that the original editor creates the data under the Series data type

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I got yesterday several downvotes, may be i am a bit paranoid, but i start to think now that this is something personal…

Release merge. Despite the fact that chaban and aerozol already said, he still wants to make in has way.

Several artist renames: here, here, here and here.

I am always try to expand/find full legal name for production music composers, esp. in cases where:

  • I have added this artist originally by myself
  • Most (if not all) of their discography is production music
    If there are no mediums with CA or albums from digital stores, when you have to preserve “credited as”, most of the time they credited under their full legal names (just as in PROs). I did such renames in the past a lot of times and nobody has objections until now.

Artist merge. Correct me if I am wrong, but as to me ASCAP clearly shows that this is an alias.

Could use a quick-fix on this recording edit so that I can move on to merging it with the album recording, thanks. (Also editing the release and release group, but not in a hurry on those.)

[Done, thanks @chaban]

If someone could approve this splitting of stereo and mono recordings before I disappear for a few days, I can add some missing metadata I might otherwise forget on vacation, haha.

Thanks in advance; much appreciated :slight_smile:

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A few recording merges for a compilation:

I would like to add a disc id, but had to fix the tracklist first because it had a missing track. Art of the Backtracklist are there to show Proof. Would be nice if you could help me, thanks :slight_smile:
Hair-splitting about “equal billing” on a release’s cover art + misapplication of classical style to a non-classical album. Needs some eyeballs.

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i’ve accidentally created a mess here: first i added the credits for the wrong Andy Gibson, then when i realised the problem, instead of undoing my previous edit, i tried to fix it by editing the relationship, not realising that would create votable edits.

if someone could auto-edit these to avoid having bad information in the database for 7 days i’d appreciate that. (and i’ll try not to make the same mistake again!)

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That’s good!
It’s better to edit your relationships than adding new and remove old.
I have approved all your relationship self fixes. :slight_smile:

:warning: Your remaining edits are duplicate edits, you can cancel them (manually one by one, or with Bitmap’s fast cancel userscript).


I have approved all your relationship self fixes.


Your remaining edits are duplicate edits

are you sure? i may be misunderstanding the interface here but for example on this recording: the wrong Andy Gibson is still listed as producer and mixer and the edit to fix it is still open: Open Edits for Wake Me Up - MusicBrainz


Oh sorry, I didn’t notice it was different types.
They’re approved too.


Please check if I’m correct here. Always feel a little discomfort when removing things, so I like others to double check. Nothing wrong with the relationships, but I would think the artist itself doesn’t need to exist in MB.


Is it considered legit to add an unannounced album based on “insider” data that can’t be verified by anyone else?

I can’t even find anything online mentioning the album name, so I’m more than a little suspicious.

Album + Mixtape/Street + Remix + Soundtrack + Spokenword? Unknown medium type, script listed as Japanese, all info currently unverifiable. Sounds dodgy. We’ll find out soon enough as the supposed release date approaches. I’ve set it to low quality for now.

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