List of native ListenBrainz API apps and in development apps

Lists last edited: 2018 February 6

Notice: I’d like feedback to add accurately which apps are supported and on which platforms. If I do not update my list fast enough feel free to make your own list in this thread and edit it in your first post to add and remove stuff. I’ll try to keep this up to date though.

I made this thread because I want to make a list of apps that natively support sending listens to ListenBrainz. With “native” I mean making users profile pages look like this and not look like this(where 1-2 out of 100s of songs occasionally show up at least half-right).

I also want to include apps which are compatible with ListenBrainz on a basic level, where it does what old day scrobblers did anyway and still do with and
I will probably not only change items in the lists but also change/add/remove lists and add them in various(probably chaotic) orders.
Feedback appreciated here as well

Native apps which support the ListenBrainz API “out of the box”

Apps which support the ListenBrainz API with 3rd party plugins

Apps which support sending listens “the traditional way”

  • Linux: Quod Libet can be configured to submit to ListenBrainz, see issue #2397
  • MPD utility client mpdscribble.
    Setting a new entry to use listenbrainz lastfm proxy is working fine.
    Add a new config dedicated to listenbrainz:
    url =
    username = username
    password = token

In-development apps which are currently working on ListenBrainz support

In-development apps which may add native ListenBrainz support in the future

Apps that recently added support for ListenBrainz and which I’ve not checked yet in too much detail to know in what exact list they should belong to

  • Linux: libra, a mpd client to submit listens to listenbrainz

Advanced section: Client libraries


Support requested

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This has confused some people so I’ll make it absolutely clear.

foobar2000 v1.3 is a minimum requirement as far as the player goes. The current version is 1.3.17.

As for my component, v1.3 and above (not to be confused with foobar version numbering) does require any version of windows with IE9 or later. This is basically

Vista IE9
Windows 7 IE9-IE11
Windows 8 IE10-11
Windows 8.1 IE11
Windows 10 IE11

It should also work with server editions but they are untested.

An older version of the component (v1.2.4) is still available on github and this does run on lower versions of IE and Linux/ dev versions of WINE.

Vista IE7-IE8
Windows 7 IE8
Linux / WINE (most recently tested with Ubuntu 17.10 - works fine)

A guide for configuring WINE for use with the component can be found below but does require installing files from the Microsoft evil empire!!


mpris-scrobbler now supports ListenBrainz!


Thank you. I’ve added it to a new temporary list. By the way do you know of any music player that is compatible with mpris-scrobbler? Do you also know if there is any guide for newbies to mpris-scrobbler how they can get it up and running in any kind of tutorial? If not, still I find it amazing that more apps get support added for ListenBrainz :slight_smile:

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@internetofdata, just in case you’d like to but didn’t know about it, you can turn your initial post into a wiki by clicking the button or something. :slight_smile:

See an example of wiki post before you click, as once it’s wiki, there is no way back to normal post.

Note to admins (delete after read)

This post and that other post should be moved to that other topic.

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Hi, do you know why is not accessible? Also the user account at github 19379 seems to also not be accessible.

If it was just moved do you know where the instructions can be found or has your plugin been integrated into the latest versions of foobar2000 maybe?

I see an existing fork of your previous work here: GitHub - phts/js_marc2003: My fork of the scripts for JScript Panel plugin for foobar2000 which seems to have remained untouched.


just in case you’d like to but didn’t know about it, you can turn your initial post into a wiki by clicking the …
button or something. :slight_smile:
See an example of wiki post before you click, as once it’s wiki, there is no way back to normal post.

Hi thanks for the tip! I’d like to ask you a question about ListenBrainz. Are you currently using a scrobbler that supports ListenBrainz the way it was meant to be?(native support) I’d like to gather community input so I can update my information as accurately as possible. Even if you’ve asked for support for some program I’d like to include that as well.

I see that many of your track titles are clickable links though the artists you listen to don’t seem to be clickable:


mpris-scrobbler now supports ListenBrainz!

Are you running that or are you running another program that sends listens to ListenBrainz? Right now I see it says “playing now” and it is playing this recording Recording “Rennovate” by E*Vax - MusicBrainz but it doesn’t appear with a clickable artist and a clickable track title/recording.

That’s also a mystery I haven’t solved yet. As I see that the recording actually exists with mbid 33045779-de14-445f-9ad0-11be4695ec1f shouldn’t the links be clickable? Cause that’s what I want for my own songs at my ListenBrainz user page at

I have just imported my last FM scrobbles yesterday (but music I listen to is mostly not scrobbled at all, because not played on PC) with the web importer.

There would be no proper/easy/straightforward way for me yet to submit my listens (foobar2000 in Windows XP and 7) because I don’t feel like building a complex setup just for that and because it apparently won’t be compatible with XP anyway.

I don’t have any MBID in my rips, usually…
The few tracks that are clickable lead to recordings different from what I have played (like for instance they link to studio version instead of live, etc.).
I don’t know why some tracks are clickable.
The most surprising thing is that in this case, artists would have been more easy to make clickable but they are not. :thinking:

just in case you’d like to but didn’t know about it, you can turn your initial post into a wiki
by clicking the … button or something.

I found some reference regarding your post. As you can see for yourself making it into a wiki post is not possible. If you somehow can make it into one you’re welcome.

I have not started using it yet, since I was trying to package it first for Fedora. I would consider filing a new issue for this behavior though. The maintainer is very responsive. :smiley:

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I have not started using it yet, since I was trying to package it first for Fedora.

Then what are you using currently to scrobble music live to your ListenBrainz account?

I would consider filing a new issue for this behavior though. The maintainer is very responsive. :smiley:

Oh yeah, the “behavior” that it doesn’t send the artist name and track/recording name should be opened as an issue I assume? You can do that since I’ve not managed to run mpris-scrobbler with success yet

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Hi! I’m notifying you again because I’ve opened an issue(caution: It’s not the one you wanted but this is an issue I’ve had)

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Right now, I’m using the Simple Scrobbler app for Android (GitHub, Google Play Store).

Thanks for opening the issue, I am also curious as a Rhythmbox user. :slight_smile:

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@jflory if it wasn’t for you I’d never solve my issue. It takes motivation but it also takes community support to make something work that I’ve never tried before(I had some motivation already but it wasn’t enough to go ahead). Your support was enough for my existing motivation to try this out and reach out to the developer of mpris-scrobbler(who was also a very helpful developer). I also offered to donate cryptocurrency but I’m assuming they are so humble they can’t accept it :smiley: but oh well I’m happy my problem got solved.

Also to keep my word in the conversation, I think it’s fair I share how I made it work. I’ll do that and also add the insightful commentary by the developer of mpris-scrobbler regarding the MPRIS API which doesn’t seem to support/‘be capable of’ sending MBIDs.

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@internetofdata Looking at the code Simple Scrobbler seems to use the actual ListenBrainz API and not the compatibility API. Also see ListenBrainz plugin for Rhythmbox and support in Lollypop for some more supported players.

What about your plans to making this a Wiki entry? Update: Shall I convert it into one?



Yes please. That is still my intent as I wanted to do that with @jesus2099’s help


Ok, I’ve converted it into a Wiki post. Will update the contents later to add my plugins :slight_smile:


I have updated the list, added information for Rhythmbox, foobar2000, Lollipop and Quod Libet. Also did some formatting cleanup, mainly removing the redundant “Platform …” text. I think it makes it more readable. I hope you don’t mind :slight_smile:

We probably should split the “in development list” into “in development” (there is already some code, just not completed and no stable release) and “Planned development” (there is an issue, but nobody is working on it). UPDATE: I just edited like this

mpris-scrobbler should probably be moved up into the former.


Well done. I like the list more now :slight_smile:

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