When I add a music video as a release, should I add relationships to it on the release or recording level?

Based on advice of @UltimateRiff, I try to start add music videos as releases and here is my first try to do that. So now I have some basic questions:

  • When I add a music video as a single release, should I add relationships to it on the release or recording level? Or both, but this way looks too complicated because of its info duplication and AFAIK there’s no any automatic tool to duplicate this info from one level to another, so it wastes too much time.
  • Streaming link. Should I add it on the release or recording level?

Streaming links can be added to all music videos on the recording level. They may be shared amongst multiple releases as they are many times added on deluxe editions, etc. as bonus tracks. Music videos added as “singles” may should also have streaming links added to both the release and recording if wanted. Apple Music video releases even barcodes so you can check for that and add to the single release.

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ideally, (and also for audio releases), the relationships should go on the most specific entity you know.

for instance, if you’ve got an album which says “vocals by x and y” but you’re not 100% sure if both vocalists sing on all tracks, then either add them to the release level or listen to determine which tracks it applies to

there are of course a few relationships that apply only to the release level, like mastering. there are also a few that can apply to both differently, like artwork and illustration, which can apply to a video or to the release’s cover art (usually the video thumbnail)

on the streaming link, in general (and specifically for YouTube) it should go on both. same with most single-track audio releases

also, excellent work on that release~

a few comments, if that “cover” credit is about the thumbnail, it should go on the release. the disambiguations are a bit on the long wordy side, but that should be fine

here’s an example release I just perfected, if it helps


Why does it work this way? And what are other release-only rels?

Which relationship should it be?

Because MB doesn’t create separate recordings for remasterings, so the same recording can appear on multiple releases with different mastering.

Other release-only rels include anything related to cover art (design, photography, etc.) or liner notes. Those clearly would not make sense at the recording level.


I typically go with the generic “artwork”, in this case with the task “cover” (or possibly the Russian name in the video description). if more specific credits are given (like Illustration or Design), then of course go with those

mostly label relationships, like distributors, copyrights, etc, but there are a few artist ones too (most of the rels under Miscellaneous Support, for instance)

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