New portion questions about adding video single releases. I have a next description for this recording:
Сведение и тюнотайм (mixing and tuning) - Богдан Не (\
Обработка звука (sound engeenier) - Кабанятина (\
Перевод (translation) - @daerrry
Видео (video) - @daerrry
Обложка (thumbnail) - smilenoir (\
Commentary: English translations of roles are added by me
How “credited as” field should be filled? Does it include only artist’s name like “smilenoir” or “@daerrry” or role itself also can be included to this field (despite I used “credited as” in artist task, which is another field)?
Which one is correct in my case?
- smilenoir
- smilenoir (\
Обложка (thumbnail) - smilenoir (\
And what if descriptions have only links to artists’ profiles and don’t include their names (for instance, “Lyrics:”)? Should it be added as a link or as the default artist’s name (if it’s known)? I didn’t think about it before this discourse, but it looks like an interesting question.