What to do with different recording/track titles (as shown in mb INLINE STUFF)?

@jesus2099 show us differences in recording & tracktitles in his mb INLINE STUFF userscript (as also mentioned here)

If you look at this example release (with activated usescript…)

you can see some very small difference in the titles (different types of apostrophe).

What would be the next step to fix this differences?
Do you have any bot or automatism to fix such differences?

First thing is that we can’t really fix the difference: we want to keep the track titles as they are written on the album cover/booklet (even if they have mistakes), and the same recording is linked to different track titles on different releases. So fixing the recording to conform to a certain tracklist means you’re making it worse on other releases…

That being said, trying to improve recording titles to follow our guidelines is always good; in this case using unicode apostrophes (see other thread)

If you find a release with the perfect tracklist and recordings to fix, use the “Copy track titles to associated recordings” in the release editor