Use ipfs link

This is very hypothetical but I would like to know what do you think to use ipfs link has external link for streaming link or downlod link ?
I’m asking because I see there is torrents so why not ipfs

We could use IPNS to get certified musicbrainz tagged audio source.

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There are torrent (illegal download) links, somewhere in MB?

I don’t know what is IPFS, but it seems you say it’s dale kind as torrent.

No links to download releases should be set in MB, except free albums.

I’m not sure, I just read this : Release > Release Information > External Links & .torrents

yes ofc

Other protocols are unlikely to be supported in the foreseeable future:


A torrent can point at legal downloads. A quick web search tells me IPFS is an Internet File System. So ask yourself if the artist would be happy to see that link or are they going to send lawyers? And it needs to be legal worldwide, not just some country with alternate copyright rules.

Select “download link” if you can take and keep a copy offline. “Streaming link” if you can only listen on demand.

Just seen @chaban’s link that basically says no to anything not https… so that probably rules it out.

