Timeframe for Pending Submissions By New App

Hey, new user here. I’ve got my own Python script for submitting acoustids. I made a submission yesterday and it is still in pending mode. Submission #718875147.

My impression from this post and the Grafana dashboard is that submissions typically seem to be processed in less than an hour.

My hunch would be that I’m in some moderation queue for new apps, but I have no basis for that. It seems like this problem could be related.

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It is very likely related to this problem: Something wrong with AcoustID-Server again! - looks like there were not many imports during the last 2 days.

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If it only affects some specific submissions it would be likely Submission stuck in pending state · Issue #70 · acoustid/acoustid-server · GitHub

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Thanks for the pointers.

So what’s the appropriate move here? Resubmit?