Syndication feeds (Atom/RSS) now out for beta testing

Hello everyone!

New in beta testing this week: Atom syndication feeds !
I helped finish @ercd 's summer of code project,

You will find a discrete RSS icon button (image) on a few pages.

If you use syndication feeds, please try these new feeds out and let me know here of any feedback you might have.
I haven’t used feeds myself in over a decade, so your input is very much appreciated !

Here are the available feeds; you’ll find the appropriate feed buttons on their corresponding pages, with more options
Of course, you’ll need to replace MY_USERNAME in those URLs.

Thank you in advance!


The fresh releases one is much appreciated. Are more features planned for it, like cover art or filters?


I’m sure we will eventually expand on the current options, but as far as I know there are no specific plans at the moment. As always, a ticket would be ideal to request new features and improvements as users see fit.

More stats art is for certain, but what did you mean by filters?

Is everything working fine for you?

I mean the fresh releases filters in the sidebar.

By the way, the initial concept for the Fresh Releases feed did include the filters - e.g. that whatever filters you had applied in the sidebar would also be applied to the feed. I’m not sure why this was dropped, but I think it was probably too complex for a GSoC project.

+1 to including cover art in the feed, would liven it up. At the same time I don’t know if it should be a LB priority.

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I’ve created LB-1690 to track improvements and feedback that I won’t get to before v1 is deployed (either they are big features missing or require a lot of testing).
Feel free to write comments there or here, I’ll keep it up to date with new feedback.

I didn’t know the fresh releases filters were part of the proposal, but I like the idea!
Similarly I didn’t know there were supposed to be sitewide statistics feeds, they are not currnetly implemented at all.

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fresh releases doesn’t seem to work for me

It does load for me, but I had to wait veeeeeery long (15 seconds! :scream:)* for the page to finally load.
Definitely not what we want, I’ll have a look at improving the loading speed, thanks !

*P.S: this is not sarcasm, 15 seconds load time is not OK…

apparantly i was very impatient. :sweat_smile:

To be fair, 15 seconds wait to load that page or feed is just tooo much !

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This all looks really good to me, loads quickly and seems to work much better than the pages on LB! Thanks for doing this, RSS still lives on.


Thanks everyone for the help, I’ve deployed a first version of the syndication feeds !

A blog post with more info: New! Syndication Feeds in ListenBrainz – MetaBrainz Blog

Some improvements mentioned in this forum post and elsewhere are already noted down in the ticket: LB-1690
That being said, if you do find new bugs please let me know and I will squash them :beetle:!

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Great feature! We need more RSS feeds in our lives and less closed gardens. Every one is useful and interesting, but fresh releases is a great idea imo, thank you!!

Regarding the recs playlists, any chance to play those on a standalone player like Strawberry? I also tried mpv, but no luck.


Not sure what situation you’re in exactly, but a couple of ideas:

  1. by far the simplest: export the playlist as JSPF, convert is to XSPF, then import in in Strawberry then play the track either locally or streaming from a service
  2. if you have the files locally, the tool we created to make playlists can help you resolve playlist content locally: GitHub - metabrainz/troi-recommendation-playground: A recommendation engine playground that should hopefully make playing with music recommendations easy.
  3. Someone made a tool to sync playlists with Plex: GitHub - Mjsciarabba/Listenbrainz-Playlist-Sync: An easy way to sync playlists from ListenBrainz to Plex - #2 by rob
  4. Barring all that, there might be some suggestions in this thread: Local music playing server with playlist/favorites sync - #7 by DontMindMe

Thanks a lot for the detailed reply!!

I don’t know exactly how, but what I was trying to achieve is to stream it locally. I saw Strawberry failed, so I tried with mpv thinking that maybe it would reach the YouTube videos that are used on the LB web app. But I see there’s no reference to those on the JSPF, so idk how/if that could be done.

Playlists in general are an interesting wrinkle. Feeds are ideal for things like news and even latest recommendations, but @allvoxman is pondering a variant of what I was trying to do — in each case we want to use the playlist as is, but in another place: they wanted it on a local player, while I wanted to share the link. The RSS feed (at least for the playlist I was working on) is ordered as a feed should be, most recent change first, but that isn’t perfect for sharing an ordered playlist.

  1. For sending the playlist to a single local player, the ideas from @mr_monkey are things I’ll try as well. I’m guessing the web player is pulling the video URLs off the recording somehow.
  2. For sharing the playlist with others (by putting the URL into a social of some kind), I’m not sure what to do. An RSS feed isn’t the right tool for that, but the playlist URL returns a React app whose wrapper (OpenGraph, Twitter tags, etc.), indicates a generic playlist with no indication as to content or authorship.

Mostly I’m thinking out loud and wondering if there are already answers. And this is likely not about RSS feeds at all, but this thread has said some adjacent things; if there are answers other than “bummer” then I’m happy to discuss those on a new topic.


A few things I can comment on:

  • Playing music on the LB website: we have our own music player that integrates with youtube, spotify, apple music and soundcloud. Playlist items don’t have a link to the playable track, we use these services’ search APIs to find a matching track to play. Not anything that can be easily replicated somewhere else I’m afraid.
  • However! We have separate tools to find a spotify/apple/soundcloud ID using a recording MBID (playlist tracks always have those; the feed event will contain a link to the recording): If you are technologically inclined you could use that to try to automatically resolve each track to a music service of your choice (could work with strawberry+spotify for example)
  • Indeed for sharing with friends, the obvious solution is to share the link to the playlist on the LB website.Even non-users can play music from that page (using Youtube), with the caveat that the Youtube search is not always good.
  • What do you think is missing in terms of opengraph/tags on playlist page to make them better or easier to share?

I hope I didn’t completely miss the point :slight_smile:
I had not thought of the playlist feeds as a way to play the actual music, but this is an interesting topic.


all i want for christmas
all i want for sharing is a clue as to the playlist creator or playlist name in the opengraph tags. currently they’re completely generic and render like so (here, in mastodon):

ideally i’d like some kind of header information in the title or description; this playlist, noel, has this in the header:

noel • Public playlist by emmadilemma • 62 tracks - 3 hours 24 minutes •
Created: 12/6/2024, 11:02:42 PM • Last modified: 12/7/2024, 10:37:36 AM • noël 2024

the existing generic preview is caused by these tags in the playlist page itself. any little crumb of identifying information here is all i’d want.

    content="Track, explore, visualise and share the music you listen to.
  Follow your favourites and discover great new music."
  <!-- OpenGraph meta tags -->
  <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
  <meta property="og:title" content="ListenBrainz" />
    content="Track, explore, visualise and share the music you listen to.
  Follow your favourites and discover great new music."
  <!--  OpenGraph image meta tags -->
  <meta property="og:image:width" content="1280" />
  <meta property="og:image:height" content="640" />
  <!--  Twitter meta tags -->
  <meta name="twitter:title" content="ListenBrainz" />
    content="Track, explore, visualise and share the music you listen to.
  Follow your favourites and discover great new music."
  <!--  Twitter image meta tags -->
  <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />


Can do!

Should be quick and easy to do, I’ll see if I can deliver that before the end of the year, Joyeux Noël!


I had put “add meaningful info into the playlist feed” in my feedback docs, but I think it kept getting lost in the jumble! Let me know if I can help with wording or anything :slight_smile:

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