Hello @emmadilemma, well I did not get it done before Christmas as it was not quite as simple as I originally expected. However I returned to this today after some thinking over the holidays, and got it working nicely.
I’ve added the playlist title and description, as well as a few other music/playlist related open graph tags.
Eventually we will have image previews for playlists, and those will be added too.
It is currently deployed to our test server, I’m not sure for how long but feel free to test it out.
Here’s the sort of thing the link previews should look like
I am using this online tool for testing: OpenGraph - Preview Social Media Share and Generate Metatags - OpenGraph
Comparing to for example Spotify, instead of putting the playlist description as the description tag they use some information about the playlist:
Playlist · {user_name} · 3151 items · 5 saves
In your opinion, do you think that would be more appropriate than the playlist description itself?
P.S: Since this is not deployed, the effect will not be visible on the atom feeds quite yet