There doesn’t seem to be any consesus as to what ellipsis should be used for Japanese or Chinese titles.
Ellipsis in Japanese and Chinese titles should be centered in the middle, and are printed as such on most packaging. But there are three competing ways of representing this:
… (U+2026), using a font that renders this general character midline
⋯ (U+22EF), a dedicated midline character
Three interpuncts ( ・・・), more common in the early days of the internet
On MB, you can go between the first and second without having to have your edit voted on. But there is controversy over which one is proper. The dedicated midline character was originally created for mathematics use, meaning that it might not be acceptable for use in this manner. The general ellipsis character will meanwhile cause clashing depending on what font you’re using - you could get midline ellipsis in scripts that don’t use midlne ellipsis, or ellipsis that render on the bottom in scripts that do.
From what I can tell, for Japanse users, it is more common to use the general ellipsis character. The Chinese are more likely to use the midline character.
More reading:
Fancy punctuation is supposed to be about correctness of the codepoint, not about trying to transcribe graphics into text. Recent example - Edit #82550890 - MusicBrainz
Like you said, MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS (⋯ U+22EF) is a math symbol. Thus, JIS X 0213 - Wikipedia does not include it, and uses HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS (… U+2026) instead.
Similar to how we want to use Katakana-Hiragana double hyphen (゠ U+30A0) rather than fullwidth equals sign (= U+FF1D), because we’re writing Katakana/Hiragana, not Math.
On Apple devices, the Chinese keyboards use the midline character while the Japanese ones use the standard character. Maybe this is an aesthetic choice for Chinese characters while it’s JIS compliance for the Japanese?
IMO the U+2026 ellipsis should be used. It will be rendered correctly with language-appropriate fonts.
This is by no means the only character that will render incorrectly when using a font designed for a different language. Unicode’s han unification has basically guaranteed you will have this sort of problem all over the place unless you manage to correctly use language-appropriate fonts.