Master thread: Is my IP blocked / IP blacklisted / VPN blocked / QNAP / Can't connect to / Picard doesn't work on home network

Hello, my ip is and I also have qnap NAS. De could you please check if I am blocked? Thanks

Yes, this IP was in the QNAP blacklist, now removed. Sorry for the hassle.

Hi Zas,
I don’t have a QNAP and Picard abruptly stopped connecting to server. My IPv4 is:
Can you check if I am blocked and if so what the reason is? Thanks!

Your IP isn’t blacklisted. Can you connect to using a browser ?

I am having the same problem. Can you see if my IP is on the blacklist?


No, this IP isn’t blacklisted.
Can you access with a browser at all ?

If not, can you provide a traceroute from your host to ?

I can access website. When I try to populate data using Mp3tag i get the following message:
Error connecting to server:

Gone (410)

Any ideas?

Sorry to have bothered you. I downloaded latest version (2.95) of Mp3tag, and all is well.
My apologies.

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I cannot connect from to Recently I used mp3tag a lot. Can you check if my ip is blacklisted?

This IP was in our QNAP IP blacklist, i just removed it, you should now be able to connect and use all our services.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Hi Zas,

same problem here. No QNAP here, however Musicbrainz Picard is not working and I can access the website only via VPN. My IP is:

Many thanks in advance for your help and keep up the good work.

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This IP was in our QNAP devices blacklist, I whitelisted it just now, you should be able to access all our services again.

Since this IP is in a dynamic IP pool, it’s very possible it was used by someone having a QNAP device in in the past.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Perfect, thank you…

Hi Zas,

I have same problem here, no QNAP. Musicbrainz Picard is not working, can’t acess web. My IP

Hi wiruzsez,

I whitelisted your IP, it was in our QNAP devices blacklist. You should now be able to access all our services.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hey Zas, I think I’ve been blacklisted since I got my new router
Btw, I know that there are reasons to block Ip’s, but why does this issue only occur with this site?

I whitelisted this IP (it was in our QNAP devices blacklist). We have blacklisted a bunch of IPs because they were used to query our services though software embedded in some QNAP devices. The problem was solved so new devices (or old ones with recent software) don’t have this software, but many old devices weren’t upgraded and continue to hit our services in an abusive manner. But some users, like you, are impacted, sorry for that.

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Alright, thanks for the quick response and explanation.

Hi Zas,

I just found this thread searching for connection errors. Coincidentally I do have a QNAP Nas. I had no idea that my QNAP would be quering your servers - apologies.

Could you please check to see if IP is blocked?



this IP ( isn’t blacklisted. Which kind of connection errors do you get?