Live disambiguation question

What is the best way to disambiguate virtual live concert recordings?

They are only live in the sense that they are not in a studio, but other than that it’s pretty similar to a studio session with all the professional recording equipment and no audience.

Should they still be marked as “live” or do they call for something like “virtual live” or some other form of disambiguation I can’t think of right now?

The example album that prompted this question:

Another example (which has been marked as live):

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Where are they recorded, then?

As far as I can tell, they are recorded at a closed stage with only the band and camera crew around. Like a music video but not lip-syncing.

This is one of the tracks on the first linked album. the track on the album and video sound identical:

Oh I couldn’t watch this video but now I see what you meant.

I’ve seen these as stream live, like Pandemic online concerts.
They can be shot in a studio or in a venue, it doesn’t matter, but they are played live, as in direct one take that all viewers are watching simultaneously with the performance.

For me, it would count as live… :thinking: