How to copy track titles?

Is it possible to copy track titles from one release to another?

For example, these two releases: – a CD release – a digital media release

The recordings habe been merged. The CD release has better track titles than the digital media release.
Is it possible to copy the track titles from the CD release to the digital media release?

If nothing else, first go to the release you want to copy from, go into edit mode and then to the Tracklist tab. then for each media entry open the track parser. Copy the text and paste it in the track parser for the destination release. Then set the appropriate options and click the parse tracks button.


Thank you. This is a manual way that I know. I had forgotten to mention if there is a script for such cases that helps.

I don’t know such a script, but in general an option Update the track title to match the recording title in addition to the existing Update the recording title to match the track title would be very helpful.

In some cases the RegEx “Search→Replace” feature from TRACKLIST_TOOLS helps me, but only for stylistic changes. It won’t help for your provided example (necessary data is missing in the target tracklist), but if you want to try this in general, it is included in the following userscript:

This script by @jesus2099 could help a bit:

Indeed it would be:

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@rdswift In the case of the example I followed your recommendation. It was necessary to renumber the track numbers of the CDs 2 & 3. As a result I could create this edit:

This is an isolated case. I had to make sure that the track numbers were carefully renumbered manually.

@kellnerd & @chaban Thanks for your hints!

I appreciate highly the power of regular expressions (“RegEx”) for search & replace. When editing tracklists, the track parser helps me. In many cases, I copy a tracklist into a text editor that handles regular expressions. After search & replace, I copy the text back into the track parser. This workflow can be optimized.
Does the recommended script help? I have not tried it yet.

I do not appreciate poorly documented software.
What good is a script that spends a few words on how to install, but avoids explaining what it does and how to use it?

I do not want to question the usefulness of the script. Insufficiently documented scripts make me suspicious.

Source code is not documentation. The purpose and handling of a script should be obvious to users who have no knowledge of programming languages or the complexity of regular expressions.

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I forgot to mention: Now we are out of scope of the origin theme “How to copy track titles?”. We are discussing about a script which might be of interest, but seems not to be solve the origin question.

BTW, I mentioned the power and the complexity of “regular expressions”, short: “RegEx”. Even software programmers are not all familiar with this term. Probably this Wikipedia article also does not help: – I mention this because I suspect there are readers unfamiliar with the term. Without knowing the term, a happy life is possible. :wink:

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Search→Replace from @kellnerd mentionned SUPER TURBO is a yellow button below tracklist in release editor when you have enabled the TRACKLIST_TOOLS in this user script settings, found in the MusicBrainz Editing menu

It does support regular expressions if you put / slashes around your search, as explained in the documentation

The documentation is found inside the prompt that appears when you click that yellow button.
This script only even has its own documentation, accessible through a HELP link in its settings panel. But I’m afraid it’s not really up to date.

The @chaban mentionned PLAIN TEXT TRACKLIST adds some links in the release page sidebar to copy text tracklist without launching the release editor.

As for the lack of documentation, it’s just that I am making public some scripts that I write for myself.

Sometimes I think I should not publish them (MASS ISRC, MERGE HELPOR 2 and MASS MERGE RECORDINGS in particular) as some editors are abusing them and that makes me loose HOURS of fix edits in my collection.
But many editors are making great things out of them, so it’s kind of a dilemma.

Barely having time to support those scripts themselves, I have no time to write documentations, sorry.

What you do, copy from source tracklist, modify it in text editor then paste in destination tracklist is already the solution.
I don’t know what else could be done.

The answers given were still not off topic I think because one of the scripts allows to copy source tracklist without going into the release editor (which might be a small gain, however). The other script allows you to use regular expression search replace when you just need to edit a single release (not copy from one to the other).

Hint about userscript documentations

By the way, here is a hint apparently you don’t know yet.
Userscript is usually explained in its // @description line, near the top of its source code file.


Pardon the intrusion … :slight_smile:

But… in a similar thread I’m talking about copying ‘everything but’ the tracks … and got a reference to these ‘userscripts’ too.

I’m just not getting something… I’m referring to using Picard -locally- to build release data where applicable, but also to work with compilations and “releases” that won’t be in the MBDB.(At least from what I understand, things that can’t, er, shouldn’t be added… ) but I still want to organize / incorporate into local archives.

Something isn’t clicking for me here…

These scripts are for working in the MusicBrainz database when adding releases, etc. Not Picard. That could explain the confusion.

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This bit of documentation is actually better than most documentation for embedded RegEx features in other applications :flushed:
I could instantly see a working example and avoided the problem of finding the correct RegEx style I have to use (e.g. matches expressed with $1 etc.) :+1:

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You could use the Reset track numbers button next time, it does exactly what you did on your own :wink:


Maybe I hadn’t expressed myself clearly enough. The links mentioned lead to

There are these sections available:

  • ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA(コナミコマンド)

There are no explanations what the tool is good for and how to use it.
Is it needed to install the script to get in knowledge what this script does?
I appreciate knowing what a tool does before I install it.

You should be familiar with user scripts in general before using any, of course.
You don’t have to use them, it was just a simple suggestion.


Some might even say “Without knowing the term, a happy life is more likely.” :stuck_out_tongue: