Digital releases: Merging? / Long country list? / Just [Worldwide]?

That doesn’t work for the very, very large amount of releases where a CD version is added way before its vinyl original.


Understood, but as I am sure you know, the subtle difference between the original release date and release date is not understood by many people. You have to know the subject area… was looking at a Pink Floyd ‘The Wall’ CD with 1979 printed on it…not the release date! easy to see how this could get added as 1979 release date but it’s wrong.

Perhaps some release groups need to be ‘locked’ as I suggest. We need to protect the good data and we can’t have people like @IvanDobsky wasting time on cleaning up mess like he mentions.

It would work for the very, very large amount of releases where a CD version and digital is added AFTER its vinyl original… The Beatles, lots of Dylan, Kate Bush etc etc

It is very common for the original vinyl\cassette to be missing. That takes 100% manual work (or a Discogs import). Much more common to have CDs as “earliest” items. And this date issue used to happen on those. (There is a thread not to far from here that includes a list of “CDs to Fix” that I was working on the other day…)

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search does not find it…

On the main Editing menu you can find Reports. These are lists of database anomalies.


Just to make a short opinion:
I feel like “country” should be left unfilled in most digital releases.
This can change from time to time, maybe “Album X” is available in france in 2022, but not in 2023, and then is again in 2024.
Does not make sense to set any country to me.


We’re not tracking availability, and never did, so it doesn’t matter if it changes.


Any progress on this? I’m still keeping digital release countries blank unless it’s actually worldwide.


EVERY Digital Release is available Worldwide. (period).
Even at the remote islands of the pacific, if you have a satellite connection, will be available to you.

Consider that because it’s not available on some US Streaming services for the rest of the world, is not available world wide is a HUGE lack of perspective.

Consider that we should keep leaving it BLANK(!!?) is a obvious statement of that we don’t know what to do.

Sry for being so straight forward.

That’s not what a release event is about. It’s about where the labels distribute the release. Not whether you can access a release via a VPN or Satellite. Don’t assume every digital release is worldwide, because they just aren’t always.


Why stop there?

Every physical release is available worldwide. (period).
Even in the remote islands of the pacific, if you have a shipping company, will be available to you.

Am I applying your logic correctly?


Can’t we just have someone run a script that sets every release with at least 100 (or another arbitrarily high number) countries to worldwide? Those are absolutely useless since the countries change constantly and are bound to be out of date, they make every GUI dealing with them feel cluttered or even unusable, and Picard just sets everything to Afghanistan. Why do we even have a worldwide release if we don’t do that? I doubt most worldwide releases are released in North Korea.

A handy scripty for Picard…


No, because they aren’t worldwide. You shouldn’t be marking releases worldwide if any countries are exempt. Exceptions are countries that aren’t really countries, i.e. British Indian Ocean Territory, etc. But if it’s in every country except the US or any other major country like that, it’s not Worldwide. Just leave the country blank. Still hoping that an “internet” release country happens to solve this problem. But, yes, no longer add all the countries as a release event. I’ve just been leaving the release country blank and copy & pasting the annotation from a-tisket that shows all the countries included & excluded and adding that to the release. That way all the info as to what countries it’s officially released in or not is there for those that like this information without messing with the system. As far as your Picard issue, it doesn’t do that when I use it. I live in the US and so, I have under Options->Metadata the US as my preferred country and digital as my preferred medium and Picard tags my files as US for the country even when MB has 165 countries on the release event.


I share your distaste of the long “near worldwide” country lists. But Picard offers a couple of options to deal with it, see the documentation:

Some background is also in


@darkshyne The above warning was mainly directed at me when I replaced country lists with worldwide where primarily uninhabited or non-independent islands or Russia/Belarus were “excluded”.

If the search server was ready yet for such editing we probably would’ve heard about it.

I can feel you about the GUI part. Even with a faster CPU and larger screen:


Can you point to an actual worldwide release in our database, then? We don’t really know the censorship situtation in NK, so there might not be a single one.

I’m speaking about where the release is actually distributed to by the label. Whether or not it’s actually available there who knows. Might be but only to a small amount of people, etc. I understand your point, but that doesn’t negate the fact that if a release isn’t in the United States, UK, China, etc. they shouldn’t be marked worldwide. There are many releases that might be in every country, except the US (due to being under a different label, etc.), so that’s not a worldwide release. Also, a-tisket (which is how most digital releases are added now), doesn’t count countries that don’t have Apple Music, Spotify or Deezer. If all 3 of those combined have a release in all the countries they service, then it marks releases worldwide. It’s not every single country in the world. This helps with places like North Korea, as I don’t think they officially have Deezer there. North Korea just shows up because they list it on their API as having it. When it’s not on the list, it’s not counted towards the Worldwide or not question. Many editors want to see actual distribution lists. There are many releases in release groups that are distributed to different parts of the world. Might be on one label in Europe and another label for the rest of the world, etc. Moving this information from the country events to the annotation is what is desired, but as you see above, we’ve been asked not to do it on a massive scale yet, i.e. a script.


Tracking “release country” in terms of availability (even initial availability) seems like a fruitless task, as many have mentioned - even for physical releases.

It seems better to simply treat “release country” as “domestic origin of that specific release, if one is source-able”.

If one is not, or you’re unsure - leave it as blank. I second/third the notion that it should simply be unset for digital releases as a matter of policy.

I don’t think [Worldwide] makes any sense as a “domestic origin” - it only makes sense in terms of availability, which - as mentioned - is pointless to track since it changes so frequently and is categorically impossible for contributors to nail down in any useful way - so from that perspective I’m inclined to say it shouldn’t be a valid value, it’s literally no better than an empty value.


I’d like to bring up these two releases who are in dire need of cleaning up their release events’ list, except every time I try to I get “Gateway Timeout: 504” error instead:

Both are digital release which in some capacity used a-tisket in their editing. Furthermore, “Starboy” by the Weekend recently went through a release merger ( Edit #103355394 - Merge releases), hence the [Worldwide] event in addition to the individual countries.