This serie VH1: 100 Greatest Songs of the 80's - MusicBrainz should list songs VH1's 100 greatest songs of the 80's | WikiLists | Fandom). But its type is set to release group instead of recordings.
There’s already 20 albums linked to this serie.
If i delete these links could i change the type of this serie ?
Indeed, they say VH1’s 100 greatest songs of the 80’s but they mean recordings, IMO, not works.
You can test what you say in (where password is mb
for everyone).
Create an RG series, add 1 RG, remove it, try to change the type and to add a recording.
Over there you can approve all your edits, no need to wait 7 days.
And don’t worry of breaking anything, it’s just a test database.
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Ok. it works. Thanks. yapluka
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