Does not work when you click in the forum, for example this link.
It should work and it works for me. Please give me more details about your browser, OS, userscript engine and what happens (nothing?). Preferably as a github issue.
How hard would it be to indicate whether there are various artist releases somewhere before clicking the link? Like you’ve done with the cover art tab (tells you how many images are there before clicking).
This script is only changing links on the fly, when you click them, without any network exchanges with MB.
What you would like is that, when VA releases are detected, a new link would show, next to the original link, to point towards the VA discography?
It would be possible but quite too much work compared with the benefit… And we should throttle the requests to one per second max, etc.
The Bowie forum link works now! At first I thought it might have something to do with your script that displays images with artists because the Bowie one was loading a lot, but since it works now I have no idea, sorry. It struck me as extremely weird that the forum link was continually not changing the URL but other links to it were working. I guess it’ll stay an unsolved mystery…
Re. various artist releases, a number next to the link, exactly like this does:
Would be amazing. If it’s not possible that’s okay, it just struck me how useful that would be.
@aerozol are you on my PC watching what I’m doing? LOLZ!!! I am after the same thing - something to let me know if there are multiple cover images. i.e. is it worth me clicking on that release in my collection and sticking it on the scanner.
Certainly great seeing all the little covers appear as it is a great spot to let me see where there are gaps of zero CAA art and I dive in and fill it up.
@jesus2099 I’ll be trying to add this script to my little set but noob mode means I don’t yet know how to go from raw script to the GreaseMonkey. (All the others have had a install button - so another excuse for me to learn something new)
I’m also wondering where these are stored in a browser like Vivaldi. Can I nip into %APPDATA% and lift the folder of scripts to drop them onto another PC?
It has encouraged me to add so much more cover art! A must-have as far as I’m concerned
Edit: For future reference we are talking about the great mb. FUNKEY ILLUSTRATED RECORDS script.
It is doing the same to me. Making me upload tons of art, chasing down missing items. It is hell on my OCD as I want to chase in and correct it all
I also enjoy opening a page and waiting for all those little icons to spring to life. When looking at my own collection it is certainly nice seeing the exact heap of my own CDs appearing exactly as they are on my shelf.
And this new little “mb. ALL RELEASE GROUPS” script will mean I’ll now be chasing down my bootleg collection too… ARGH!! @jesus2099 you are making me work
It is funny how little things like seeing the artwork make it so much easier to sort out areas like the Douglas Adams page.
You have to fully reload (F5) the forum for new user scripts to be reloaded. Discourse is never replacing pages when you browse inside it, it only loads data and changes the url display in your browser without really making a full page load.
To install user scripts from github, gitlab and bitbucket, you have to go into the script code page (the one I have linked at the top of this topic) and then click the Raw button. That should trigger your user script extension (Greasemonkey) install popup.
I made a user script that allows you to install other user scripts directly from github, gitlab and bitbucket file list if you want, it shows a heart icon that is an install button:
Maybe the release groups containing only unofficial releases are listed in a second time, after all release groups that contain at least one official release…
It’s MBS anyway, my userscript just adds all=1 in the URL, as if you had clicked the Show all release groups link.
I don’t think it is that MBS-11748 ticket. If you click on the link to The Cure in my post above is includes =all in the link. Note on page 1 you see “Album + Compilation”. Then go to page 2 and you see “Album+Compilation” again.
The first holds the official albums, the second is the bootlegs (I guess)
Instead of =all mixing bootlegs\promos\etc in with the originals (like seen in MBS-11748) it puts them into separate groupings across four pages.
It used to look like the first image in MBS-11748 with the bootlegs at the end of a grouping. The italics of MBS-11748 are a neat idea.
Oh OK sorry, I think I see what you meant Ivan.
You meant I don’t think it is that MBS issue ticket, you don’t think that this MBS-11748 is describing this double Album+Compilation section.
Sorry. I am confusing things. I was describing what I see on the page. Nothing to do with the script. It is the server that splits up the groups now when using =all
First image on MBS-11748 shows the older way of doing things where bootlegs and official were all in the same table. Bootlegs appearing after the official, but still all together in the same table. MBS-11748 then describes a neat solution where italics would be used to show the difference. And keep all same type in the same table.
Today I see the bootlegs listed on page 2 instead. This leads to two Album+Compilation. And two Album, two Single, etc…
Sorry - I am being real bad at describing things.
The point is =all does not MIX the tables up like before. It is keeping the official and bootlegs separate.