A new MusicBrainz user script was released

i made a new userscript to import events.

it now supports multiple websites of venues that are located in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, New Zeeland.

it also support FACEBOOK events now!!!

more info here Event importer userscript by sanojjonas

i have added a bunch more venues in Belgium, the Netherlands, France…
Also a few sites that have evets for multiple venues like “under the radar” in New Zeeland and prime-entertainment in Germany is now supported.

if you frequently add events to Music brainz and there is a website that u use to get the information from, let me know and i will try to add it to the userscript.


A new user script:

install source

This scripts allows you to import works from the database of the Israeli rights management society ACUM.

ACUM importer

A complete medium can be imported from the release relationship editor with only two button clicks.

See here for more information.

If there’s a demand, I can add more work databases that have a decent API.


I am enjoying this script immensely!

The link for more information is broken.

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@murdos just merged an update to this script - thanks to @RandomMushroom128 for the code/update!

Display shortcut for relationships on MusicBrainz


Now also displays quick links for:


A new lil’ (but very useful!) script by @Lioncat6:

Edit Release: No Label Button

Adds a button to quickly set a release as not having a label

[broked image was here]


(The broken image above lol)


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: ROpdebee’s userscripts support thread

MB Release Edit Seeding Helper

Enables the seeding of MusicBrainz release editor fields via URL parameters. Fixes MBS-13688

Follows the documentation for seeding new releases:

Link rels and mediums are not fully supported yet.
Only supported for release entities at the moment.


Totally didn’t have to rename the script because I realized that a “MB Release Seeding Helper” already existed…

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