A new MusicBrainz user script was released

New userscript by @zabey!

Bandcamp Tag Importer

Source | Install (GitHub)

Easily submit tags on Bandcamp pages to Musicbrainz.

bandcamp tag import script


New userscript time!

Youtube Link Canonicalizer

Youtube channels have several different ways to link to them, but the most common one is @username. However, URLs of this type can be changed by the channel owner at any time, which leads to broken links in the database. To prevent this, you can use a channel ID to reference a channel, which this userscript makes trivial to obtain!

Source | Install (Github)

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 11-43-07 Weedow - MusicBrainz
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 11-43-43 Weedow - Edit - MusicBrainz


I made this thing

Supraphonline import script

It seeds releases from the official online catalog of the Czech Supraphon label. I just forked the murdos repo and based it on the Metal Archives importer. I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in this script, but I’ll be using (and thus testing) it extensively, fixing whatever problem comes along. I don’t intend to submit a PR until I feel like it’s reliable.

As of now, it’s capable of seeding a release with the correct number of media and tracks, and most of the release metadata. I also had to patch the mbimport.js lib with two novelties. One is the ability to set the discography entry page and the other is the ability to seed multiple release events.

I have a somewhat troubled relationship with JavaScript (I hate it), so if you see any crimes against the language or have any suggestion whatsoever, please do send me some kind of message somewhere (do we have direct messages here, or should I create a separate topic?).

No screenshot, because it doesn’t do anything flashy.


New userscript from me.

Relationship batch selector

When adding track relationships for some albums with big tracklists, often times credits are listed out like this:

Composer: John Doe (1.1, 1.3, 2.4~9)
Piano: Jane Doe (2.1)

This is especially the case for soundtracks and other stuff I often import from VGMdb. This tool adds a textbox at the top of the relationships page that allows you to past in these “1.1, 1.3, …” fields in them and have them automatically select all the respective recordings or works. It makes adding things to big releases with 100+ tracks a lot faster and a lot less prone to errors as opposed to checking all the recordings/works manually.


Hi @yyoung, didn’t you know Otringal’s Compare AcoustIDs Easier!?

There are more and more userscripts!
It’s very alive and interesting. :sweat_smile:


Musicbrainz Entity Images

Display images, logos, and posters on artist, place, label, and event pages!
No pictures this time, but heres an example for each of the types if you’re interested:
Artist, Place, Label, Event

Source | Install (Github)


Import releases from Wolfgang’s

Adds a button to seed MusicBrainz releases from Wolfgang’s release pages (sample release page). Wolfgang’s provides streaming for a wide collection of concert recordings along with live session recorded at the Daytrotter and Paste Magazine Studios. Over 76K recordings are hosted by the site.

While the site says only 30 second samples are available, the site currently lets you stream the full recordings without logging in. (The pages also contain the links to the .mp3 files in the HTML source)

Let me know if you run into any problems or have suggestions for changes.

Source | Install (Github)


Is the “Show acoustids on a Work page” script available anywhere today? I can’t find it searching and the bitbucket URL seems dead. This is a fantastic script and thanks to all who enable power-editors.

It’s now hosted on Github. The script can be downloaded from the Musicbrainz UserScripts page.

setlist.fm event importer

install source

This scripts allows you to import set lists from setlist.fm as MusicBrainz events.

setlist.fm importer

When viewing a set list on setlist.fm, a new “Add to MB” button will appear on the page.
Clicking the button will open a MusicBrainz create event window with the event form pre-filled with the set list data.

Feedback welcome (this is my first userscript so be gentle).

Update: the script can now add venues and link venues to events.
For details see README.md.


Cool. I use setlist all the time.


I assume there’s a large common user base. I personally don’t really like the setlist.fm interface and hope MB can replace it as the main live event source.


Really this script is still superb!
Events have been removed because it is now handled by MusicBrainz event art archive itself (EAA).

In fact I post a note in this topic to ask all users of @zabey/zabe040 following userscripts:

Please reinstall them manually because their auto-update was broken but has now been fixed!


i finally made a userscript.

you can find it here https://gitlab.com/sanojjonas1/MusicBrainz/-/raw/main/userscript/sanojjonas.user.js

it creates time tables of events. and it is possible to highlight artists that you have in a collection on the schedule. at the bottom you also get links to listenbrainz to create playlists of the artist that play on the event (i create multiple because the prompt would get to big) and if you added a liked artist collection in the script, it would create a separated playlist of the liked artists aswel

i made and update to the event stuff. it now also shows cancelled stuff. so if an artist cancels or an event is cancelled you can now see it in the table. as a extra bonus if an event is rescheduled it will also become visible on the page. here is an example of a show with 2 artists that got cancelled due to covid, and got rescheduled as 2 other events. (and then in 1 of the events an added support band had to cancel (probably due to covid reason aswel))

it can also create instrument tables of bands.

it now also show a table of other bands that band member was in. (there are options to only colorize liked bands, but you can also color them all (but i think it is to much then))

i also added a history table. it should give you a chronological list of everything (that i currently could think of) that is releated to a band (i will fix this for people probably tomorrow)
here is an example of a small band where you can see how it will show you where there is missing data.
example band: Double Veterans - MusicBrainz

ever wanted to know what arist played to most and you have alot of time to spare? now you can find out. just go to an event series, wait a few !minutes! :sweat_smile: and you will get a list of ALL the artists that ever played on that festival. including at what events it played. this table is also visible on places & event collections.
example festival: Rock Herk - MusicBrainz

(know issues: i still need to filter/mark cancelled stuff)

it can be used to visualise everything that is entered to check if it is correct.

it will probably be expaned to add more stuff but this is it for now. if you have any questions or bugs you can just contact me via discord or here directly…


I didn’t notice this at first!
Something we’ve been dreaming of, for years!


This is awesome… especially for spotting mistakes … thx for providing this


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sanojjonas visualise stuff

i also must say that i do appreciate all the positive feedback i got over my userscript.
i was a bit scared that nobody would need/use it.

and if anybody finds some weird stuff, don’t hesatate to get in contact with me.


A New script was released!
Please go to its own topic for follow-ups:


A New script was released!

Adds a two buttons to beatport releases to either import the release in harmony, search the release in musicbrainz, or open the release if it exists. It’s just a port of the my spotify version