A multi‐source seeder for digital releases

Thank you for creating and maintaining this! I’ve been using it a lot in combination with various browser addons to import information sourced from other pages into MB. It’s great. :slight_smile:

I did not read through all 500 posts in this thread, so I don’t know if this has already been reported, but I’ve been having an issue with some Spotify albums (singles, actually), that have IDs longer than 22 characters. The form does not allow me to submit them. I tried removing the pattern attribute on the input element and just submitting them anyway, but the resulting page stays blank. Examples of albums with longer IDs are here and here (both 23 chars).

As of today, Apple Music has changed their source code and you cannot longer find UPCs for releases unless they’re embedded on the cover art URL. RIP.


ARRRRRRGGGGH. Why??? This sucks. Well there is still that barcode/UPC text file. That’s just dumb. I don’t know why these companies act like that’s something that should be secret.


Totally killed the toadking script. No longer lists any audio traits, barcodes, anything. This really is disappointing. I hope Daniel still can get the collection match files at least. They are usually a few months behind, but are great to have because it has all releases, even ones no longer on Apple Music.

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Seems ISRC’s are also not listed in the source - unless I’m missing something. What is this barcode/UPC text file you speak of @tigerman325?

Yeah, and ISRCs too. Man they are killing a lot of good info. Hopefully it’s only temporary. So far the ones I have looked up this afternoon have it in the jpg file but as we know many don’t or haven’t.

Record Labels are gone also, sigh.

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Sorry to hear of the challenges with all of the scripts.

I am not seeing any change to my access or the underlying files I typically pull. I just uploaded an out-of-cycle updated database set so you can test if anything has changed from the underlying data set. Please give it a couple minutes to get published to Google Drive, though.


Since the Apple Music website uses it’s own MusicKit JS, it’s fairly easy to reverse engineer the API calls using the browser’s developer tools. And there’s no need to register a developer account to get a separate token- you can extract the token used by the website from one of the javascript files (currently https://music.apple.com/assets/index.65215e1b.js).

Example of album lookup:

curl 'https://amp-api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/us/albums/980592714' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Referer: https://music.apple.com/' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IldlYlBsYXlLaWQifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJBTVBXZWJQbGF5IiwiaWF0IjoxNjY2MjA5MTY4LCJleHAiOjE2NzM0NjY3NjgsInJvb3RfaHR0cHNfb3JpZ2luIjpbImFwcGxlLmNvbSJdfQ.txDAv_8oy4G8zaens4enLYtADkP_zwcVLfT4NKW9l6Bt9KEyaYj566gtchMPJ-5cj7xxxrFsbd6wJcPbNvBRCg' -H 'Origin: https://music.apple.com'

I’ve updated the Apple Music script to work with the new site: GitHub - ToadKing/apple-music-barcode-isrc

Since it now fetches the info directly from the Apple Music servers, some notes:

  • You no longer need to refresh the page if you’re navigating the site for the script to work.
  • It uses a hardcoded access token. It’s possible this can change at any time, and if it does the script will need to be updated for it. The quickest way to alert me of this is to make an issue on the GitHub page.
  • I’ve ran into a couple of times during testing where I get locked out of the site for making too many requests. This appears as an infinite loading screen on the site. If that happens you have to wait a couple of minutes before you can access the site again.

For clarification’s sake, this is referring to the “recordLabel” text string in the pages’ source code. Record label pages on Apple Music are still very much a thing.

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I just attempted to use the script and I got this error message:

TypeError: document.getElementById(…) is null

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What page were you trying it on? And what browser and userscript manager are you using?

I was running Firefox 106.0.1 but since I applied the update to 106.0.2 and restarted the browser, it worked!
I use Violentmonkey to manage userscripts.

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I’m also seeing the same error currently on this release

Firefox 106.0.1 using Tapermonkey

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If you are seeing the “TypeError: document.getElementById(…) is null” error that means you’re still running the old version of the script. Make sure you’re running the latest version, currently 0.17.


I don’t really know a-tisket.
I don’t know why #atisket tag doesn’t work for me (Android 9 Kiwi Browser).
I didn’t find source code and bug tracking.
I don’t need it, but there is a bug apparently, that I wanted to see if it is already known:

Apparently it adds or make editors add relationships to special purpose artists like Various Artists: Edit #70441290 - MusicBrainz

Could you blacklist some artist MBID and never submit any relationship edits to them?

Sorry for double posting, but it seems there are several, at least 2, atiskets?

Am I the only one that gets a Request Timeout on every search made on https://etc.marlonob.info/atisket/?

No, it’s been doing that to me for over a day.