A multi‐source seeder for digital releases

I don’t on Deezer releases because it keeps removing countries and saying Worldwide releases aren’t Worldwide, when they are.


Ye, notably if it’s worldwide except for British Indian Ocean Territory, it’s probably Deezer’s fault. There’s also a bunch of Islands that get excluded by Deezer occasionally, but that’s less common.
If it’s worldwide except for Curaçao, probably Spotify’s fault.

On these cases I use the button “Set the release event to only GB” (or whatever country), then change that country to worldwide (XW) manually when editing.


No. I’m talking about the fact that when you run marlonob’s site, the Deezer API is reporting up to about 20 something more countries than the mirror is. This has been discussed several times upthread. Deezer hasn’t updated their website to reflect where they are. The mirror is using that list to show what countries Deezer is supposed to be in, so that if it’s not in a country, it’ll know what country to report excluded. However, their API is reporting it in countries that aren’t on the official list. Most notably China and often Curacao, so there are a lot of releases that the mirror reports as excepted in China & Curacao and when you run them under the original marlonOB site, reports them as Worldwide. This is because they are actually in China & Curacao on Deezer. Thus making this a Worldwide release, but the mirror doesn’t know Deezer is in China & Curacao. The Deezer list needs to just be updated to include China & Curacao because it’s obviously there.


I do that also about marking many worldwide. Unfortunately, it seems that many use a-tisket and go 100% with what it reports with no exceptions. That is why I’d like to see these small updates, so less errors will occur. But I suppose it’s better than not being here at all.

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The original a‐tisket: A multi‐source seeder for digital releases for MusicBrainz is working for me again.

by the way, it seems the ISRC submitter script has moved URLs, so the current link is broken:

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That’s only on the original that it goes to the old place. The mirror has had this new link since the change.


Does anyone know if it’s possible to limit the countries Deezer searches when looking up by barcode? I’ve had a few cases where barcodes are shared between US and ROW releases and was hoping there’s an easier way of finding the Deezer page for the US release without having to use a VPN or some other proxy.

Not with a-tisket. I use a VPN myself (annoying, in that you also have to remember to clear your cookies, etc. to make it work). Sometimes a simple Google search will also give the Deezer ID for the different country. This is the biggest problem with a-tisket as it doesn’t know how to distinguish releases with the same barcode that have different labels, etc. Napalm Releases are a mess as with some other labels. They add 2 zeroes on international release and remove them on US release and have different phonographic copyrights, etc sometimes from US release. Canada releases sometimes have 2nd label, etc.


The live instance has just been updated to add support for seeding the MB artist editor with vendor links from the “Artist Relationships” section on the “Complementary links” page.

If the artist name includes an MB icon and is highlighted in orange then clicking it will take you to the artist editor with the missing vendor links automatically added. This was all made possible thanks to changes on MB implemented by @reosarevok.

Note that the matching of artists between vendors and MB is naive, and so it will not work in certain cases. As far as I’m concerned the way it works now is “good enough”, and handling corner cases will be both time consuming and add significant complexity, so feel free to report issues but be aware that they are unlikely to be fixed.


Deezer provides a single API endpoint, with no options to restrict results to certain territories etc. I think it’s unlikely that the API itself tailors results based on the client’s detected location, but I suppose it’s possible.

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Oooh updates! The link to seed artist vendors is going to save a lot of time!

While you’re here, is there a way to make it still go worldwide if the only country it doesn’t detect is Curacao? I think there’s a few others that as well. I don’t think Curacao has anyone picking up exclusive distribution rights :joy:


I’ve requested this be fixed twice. I’ll take responsibility for this happening, at my suggestion, because at the time it was implemented, the original marlon site was saying NOT available in countries that none of the 3 had services in. Since then, with the expansion of Apple Music & Spotify the opposite of what was intended has been happening. Deezer says it’s available in China or Curacao on their API, but the mirror doesn’t recognize it, because it was removed. I think Deezer for some reason has just stopped updating their available country list. But it’s there!!! Just not on Spotify or Apple Music. If a country is shown by Deezer’s API of having the release, than it has the release. There are over 20 countries being removed by the mirror, currently. An easy fix (because the original doesn’t have this restriction and was implemented for the mirror) is just to remove the restrictions. Also, almost every release added by the mirror that wasn’t Worldwide and has Deezer as having this is wrong on it’s country lists if the editor didn’t check behind it with Jaxsta, etc.

PS. While updating, all Apple release barcodes are now available on the “view-source” data of the page. Redirect looking for the barcode in the “.jpg” filename (as it currently does) to looking for the barcode in the “UPC” field. “upc”:

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Anyone else seeing ‘No results could be retrieved’ for Spotify releases? I also tried iTunes

EDIT: working now

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I’ve been getting Server has invalid Spotify API key. Not sure if this is related to the earlier Google Cloud outage.


I wish Qobuz opened their api. Can anyone extract the barcode of this specific release - https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/album/valentine-snail-mail/ygxkulx4jiova.

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This is what their API returned: 0191401178563


I’ve added around 1600 releases plus high quality artwork to Musicbrainz using a-tisket over the past year or so. It’s been a great boon to my adding albums to Musicbrainz. It struck me though that I have many releases already present in Musicbrainz with much lower quality artwork than what a-tisket is able to retrieve from apple music. Is there anyone here that can shed some light on the code used to derive the apple music artwork url? I’d like to enhance a Python script to retrieve these rather than lower resolution images for existing albums where possible.

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can anyone detect the upc, catalog, and isrc of this release? If You Leave, Daughter (44.1kHz/24bit). It’s not available on play.qobuz.