XLD Mac and SACD iso

I have 2 ISO files of this SACD release:

But XLD for Mac is refusing to load track names. And when I select “Associate musicbrainz DiscID with the selected release” in the menu of XLD, it brings me to musicbrainz web, with this error:

Bad Request
Sorry, there was a problem with your request.

Error message: The provided CD TOC is not valid. This is probably an issue with the software you used to generate it. Try again and please report the error to your software maker if it persists, including the technical information below.

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Technical Information
Time: 2022-01-10T10:04:28.525Z

URL: Log In - MusicBrainz

Request data:

“body_parameters”: {},
“query_parameters”: {
“toc”: “1 23 631440 -149 23286 45950 68100 92280 117940 164718 192048 214200 235836 266302 294352 322088 351028 382104 407134 436406 466364 491870 514212 541394 564036 600474”

Any way how to fix this? Thank you

Is this an ISO file of the CD layers or the SACD layers?

If the former, mount the ISO file and then you can get Picard to read it.

If the latter, that’s not going to work. We can’t generate disc IDs for the SACD layer, and it shouldn’t be possible to add a disc ID to the SACD media on Musicbrainz. It may be a bug with XLD generating a TOC from that.

In theory, it would actually be possible to apply the principles of disc IDs to SACD media, as they have a predictable structure, and it’s straightforward to rip ISOs of the SACD layer of SACDs in 2021. However, I don’t think it’s possible to generate a valid disc ID from ISO files of the SACD layer (or attach it to SACD medium) at the moment.

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For some reason a wrong TOC got extracted for the CD by XLD. The offset of the first track is negative (-149) which shouldn’t be possible. So this looks to me like an issue with XLD reading the CD TOC properly.

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