I while ago I did this request: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-2576
The list of work styles lacks one of the most important types: dance
A lot of worktypes that are now left open are to be classified as dance. It is one of the base types of musical works, standing next to the “song”.
The list of works I leave open because the lack of this work type grows every week.
It applies to classical music (often the movements of a greater piece, but also standalone smaller pieces), to folklore (which in most cases is either a song, or a dance), but also to electronic music (most techno styles are dance music.)
The list of work types is rather extensive, so I’m a bit wondering how “dance” is not in the list. Imo, it should be there on top, together with “song”.
The work type dance, is not necessarily music intended for the “ballroom”. Many types of music have their roots in dance music, but evolved to a listening form. This happened in classical (to give a well known example: Walzes, Mazurkas & Polonaises by Chopin), but also in electronic music, there is a lot of music based on techno, which clearly is in the style of dance music, but is actually hard to dance on, due to a more complex structure. the style IDM ("intelligent dance music) is such an example.
The request didn’t get much attention, I hope to get a bit attention (& possible debate) to the request, as I think the dance forms are an important aspect of the history of music. As important as the song. The song & the dance can be considered the roots of all work types, dating back to long before any written history.
The work type dance could be used for any type of work that has clearly it’s roots in dance music, or is simply music intended for dance events of any type. In classical & folklore this would typically be clear in the work title.
To name common examples in classical & folkore: Mazurka, Polka, Hora, Sîrba, Sarabande, Menuet, Breaza, Walz, Polonaise, just Dance/Joc/Danse/…, Tarantelle, Allemande, Bourrée, Gigue, Račenica, Courante, …