Why is this one item out of order?

See this series: everything is in the order I’d expect, by number if available, otherwise alphabetical, except that one item that’s numbered, but is being sorted with the un-numbered items. It’s the first in order by number, is that related somehow?

That is pretty weird. Not even as if that first numbered one is being alpha-sorted into the without number list.

What happens if you remove it’s number. Does something else jump into the odd place?

I’ve done series like this before but not seen that.

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If you look at the details for the two items that are out of order, you can see they both have the same order number. Why that happened, I can’t explain, and I don’t know how to fix it, but it might be why they are switched (and every one following these have an order number that is off by one).

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If I remove the number from that one, the next one in order takes that spot. :person_shrugging:t3:

If I give “War of the Krebsbachs” the lowest number, then everything else looks correct. If I give it a high number, suddenly “Train Robbery Romance” takes that spot and the first numbered one is still wrong.

Ok, I’ve even tried changing it to manual ordering and forcing the numbering to be correct (bumped everything after 46 up). Didn’t stick.

Yeah, I tried the manual ordering trick too. Couldn’t make it work. Maybe someone has to edit the db directly? Or recreate the whole series?

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I’ve put a ticket in, so we’ll see how it goes.


I guess the change to manual ordering is a votable edit. Kind of surprised, since it let me do the reordering right away (but that wasn’t shown in the edit history, just the change in type).

I AE’d it - and manual still didn’t fix the odd sorting.

I guess this is a bug of some form.

If you want it swapped back to automatic numbering just post the edit here and I’ll spot it during the day to flip back.

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Did you? Looks like the edit is still open. Maybe part of the bug?

(Ha, now I’m fighting with the forum to get it to behave the way I want.)

Yeah - I just looked which is why I returned to this thread. Weird that it isn’t an auto-edit for an autoeditor either. That don’t make sense

A property like this on a Series should be auto-editable by all as it does not change any data, just how the data is organised. Needing to wait a week for this don’t make sense. I’ll post it in the “everyone pile on” thread and see if we can get the experiment to speed up.

Well, here’s the ticket, too, for good measure: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13823


It’s fairly harmless when changing automatic to manual. It’s anything but when changing manual to automatic, because that destroys the inserted manual ordering which cannot be recovered without selecting all the orderings by hand again, which can take forever for a big series.


Series have always been broken:

  1. MBS-8904
  2. MBS-9156
  3. MBS-9228
  4. MBS-11504

Thanks - that makes sense now.

I guess I’ll ignore it and carry on, then