Where can I find my MBID?

I’ve chosen the name columninches without ‘:’ as I think this spelling would potentially confuse fans and make it difficult for them to search for my name online.
As it is they can search for ‘columninches’ or ‘column inches’ and find me.

I’ve chosen to use ‘:’ in column:inches only within the artwork the create an identifiable ‘logo’ (just as the band Whale from the late 90’s who used the logo <<Whale, but where searchable as Whale.
And when saying my artist name Tom Robinson announced me as ‘Column Inches’ on his BBC 6 Music Introducing show, which is great as I think it would be confusing if he’d said ‘Column Colon Inches’!

Do you think it’s worthwhile creating an alias in the database? (and would it help people in their online search)?

A name is a name: column:inches is your de facto name as it appears on all your releases.
Sort name can be different.
Aliases (search hints) can be added conveniently.
Search engines should not make you change it.

BTW, when we read text we don’t usually spell punctuation out loud, so it’s not really that surprising.
Columninches is more difficult to read and to memorise, IMO, BTW, FTR. :wink: