What do you think about biodegradable CD packaging?

I have this interesting thing among my records.

Groove Armada - “Vertigo”

Carbon Neutral Entertainment


You can set Digipak packaging and write an annotation telling more details.

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I am unable to do Merge.

Can someone finish this?

Don’t try and merge every time. Instead pick the correct Release Group when you create the release

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OK, success.

So, use Merge as rarely as possible?

Ivan means try to limit the amount of edits for a single task.
Add a new release to existing release group without Add (duplicate) release group edit and Merge release groups edit.

After my editing remains this

On the far right of your image you will see your duplicate release group is empty. So it will disappear.

Merges are only when you make mistakes. Adding a normal release you don’t need to do any merges. Please try and read some of those help files.

Ivan, don’t be angry, but 3 days ago, before “Positive Vibrations”, you showed and praised Merge, even the script. :wink:

I’m not angry. Just rubbish at writing stuff clearly.

What I mean is you only merge Release Groups when you make a mistake. Once you are in the habit of getting this right first time you don’t need to merge.

Same with Recordings. Link them up when you create the Release.

The post you quote is me mopping up after you added your first release.

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You’re only saying this today. :wink:

I am not going to argue. Re-read what I wrote and I tried to explain how you could have picked the correct Release Group the first time. In that other thread we then had a few screen shots showing how to use that search. I fixed that error with a Merge.


Do you know the saying:

to learn by one’s mistakes


Yes, and I am trying to help to point these mistakes out. I believe you learn nothing if you don’t mess it all up a few times.

That post you quote is exactly me attempting to help you learn the errors you made in that initial creation.

All I was trying to say is you don’t use merge every time.


Let’s light the pipe of peace and practice these 10 tips:

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