Welcome to MetaBrainz Community Discourse

Welcome to the MetaBrainz Community Discourse site! Have a cup of tea, put your feet up and feel right at home. :smile:

This site is for members of the wider *Brainz community: MusicBrainz, BookBrainz, ListenBrainz, AcousticBrainz, and all the other *Brainz and related subjects under the MetaBrainz Foundation’s umbrella. Some projects will have specific categories and others will not. If you want to post about ListenBrainz, CritiqueBrainz or another project without a specific category, go ahead and post it in the MetaBrainz one.

I hope you enjoy your stay and interactions here, and feel free to ping me using @Freso or write to me if you have any questions or need any help or guidance. :slightly_smiling:

Your friendly neighbourhood community manager,