Unreferenced artist in a votable relationship

i just added this artist: Gustavis Augustus “Gusty” Nicolls - MusicBrainz

because i wanted to use him in this relationship: https://musicbrainz.org/edit/114474052

but because the relationship edit is votable, the artist entry still says “This artist has no relationships, recordings, releases or release groups, and will be removed automatically in the next few days”.

am i safe to assume it won’t be removed until voting on the relationship has finished?

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No problem, the entities are kept as long as they have open edits.

This orange text should be updated, it’s not mentioning the open edits grace.


I sent a code patch FWIW so that we’re soon able to also link to pages such as Gustavis Augustus Nicolls on The Session (but probably will be a couple weeks).