I’m embroiled in a quest to tag the last few stragglers in my music collection. One of the holdouts is an MP3-encoded rip of a nine-track audio CD that I bought from a Japanese jazz band in 2008. If memory serves, the CD appeared to be self-published (it might’ve even been a CD-R disc), but I ditched all of my plastic several moves ago so it’s impossible for me to refer back to the original material.
I haven’t been able to find any likely matches in MusicBrainz when I search for various combinations of the artist (“Take Band”), release (“Naturally”), or track names (most or all of which are jazz standards, making searches harder). I haven’t found any AcoustID fingerprint matches, either. However, I noticed that I submitted the disc info (which I dutifully transcribed from the CD) to FreeDB back when I ripped it: Take Band / Naturally
My understanding from pages like Disc ID Calculation - MusicBrainz is that MB uses a different calculation than CDDB/FreeDB/GnuDB to compute disc IDs. Is there any way to search for releases using a 32-bit CDDB1 ID (780e4409
in this case)?
I somehow managed to dig up an old file that was generated by the ripping software that I used (Grip 3.3.1) with the hope that it would have enough information for me to manually compute an MB-style Disc ID, but it looks like it omits the lead-out track’s offset, which I think I’d need:
# xmcd CD database file generated by Grip 3.3.1
# Track frame offsets:
# 150
# 33837
# 67238
# 94882
# 121819
# 153628
# 185302
# 215022
# 243063
# Disc length: 3654 seconds
I noticed that GnuDB’s “misc” category has a 2009 release by a Japanese jazz trio with the same track count, total length, and disc ID: Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio / What a Wonderful Trio! [DXD]. The track titles and lengths are completely different, though, so I think it’s just a coincidence.
If I’m not able to dig up an existing entry for this release, should I create a new artist and release? I feel uneasy about adding new entities when I don’t have any physical or online evidence that I can point to in my edit notes beyond the data that I submitted to FreeDB back when I possessed the CD.