The Musicbrainz Album Club - #6: Deeper Than Static by Boy is Fiction

A few days late, my apologies someone totalled my car and it’s preoccupied my mind a s you can imagine (I’m OK), so let’s get to it.

We’re still really wanting lots of recommendations - it doesn’t have to be an album you like, it can be anything (so long as its an album) - submit via this form!

This is the sixth TMAC meeting. If you want to know more about the club visit this page.

The album for this month is Deper than Static by Boy is Fiction, suggested by @Victini who submitted these thoughts:

Another recommendation. I’ve noticed that I really like melodic, ambient-influenced/infused IDM, and n5MD released this a few weeks ago. if you like this, you should give Arovane’s early stuff a try, same for Proem

You can listen to this album via:

Let us know of your thoughts below, maybe even write a review on CritiqueBrainz or rate the tracks on ListenBrainz!


Oligatory Bandcamp link

Thanks, I like it! It reminds me somewhat of Dryft, a.k.a. Mike Cadoo, the founder of the n5MD label – if you like this, I’d recommend his 2002 The Mytotic Exit EP if you can find it. Telefon Tel Aviv’s Fahrenheit Fair Enough is also a great early-2000s album in a similar style; I just noticed a few weeks ago that there was a 2016 reissue.


Oh wow, I actually bought a Dryft album a while ago as well. Didn’t know he was the founder. Learned something new today lol.

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