Not sure what situation you’re in exactly, but a couple of ideas:
- by far the simplest: export the playlist as JSPF, convert is to XSPF, then import in in Strawberry then play the track either locally or streaming from a service
- if you have the files locally, the tool we created to make playlists can help you resolve playlist content locally: GitHub - metabrainz/troi-recommendation-playground: A recommendation engine playground that should hopefully make playing with music recommendations easy.
- Someone made a tool to sync playlists with Plex: GitHub - Mjsciarabba/Listenbrainz-Playlist-Sync: An easy way to sync playlists from ListenBrainz to Plex - #2 by rob
- Barring all that, there might be some suggestions in this thread: Local music playing server with playlist/favorites sync - #7 by DontMindMe