Sound effects special purpose artist

Context: tracks 4 and 10 on Release “リラクシング・ピアノ~ハッピー・クリスマス” by 広橋真紀子 & 久米由基 - MusicBrainz are 20 second sound effects tracks of sleigh bells, not attributed to any particular artist. Spotify lists the artist as 効果音 (‘sound effects’) while Apple puts the label’s name (Della, Inc).

Looking at Style / Unknown and untitled / Special purpose artist - MusicBrainz, [no artist] seemed like the closest match, but I was wondering if it would be valuable to have [sound effects] similar to the existing [dialogue].

On a related note I found 効果音 - MusicBrainz listed as an artist - I guess added by mistake. I will update its 2 recordings to be [no artist] (or whatever is recommended for SFX tracks).