Didn’t want you to think it was something personal going on. I’m faffing around with some unloved cheap compilation CDs which have a lot of data missing. Have attempted the AcoustID data upload using Picard from two different machines and nothing appearing yet… At the same time Picard is still being nippy at looking things up.
It seems the aIDs for my tracks appear now. Either the issue was fixed or the backlog was cleared.
Good news. We can further improve the MB database.
I think the term is “catching up”… mine are still pending…
Editing on MB is sometimes a lesson in patience.
My queued AcoustIDs also caught up now… (okay… some have, some haven’t)
How can I see what acousticIDs I have in queue?
(I use Picard to submit them, since some time, a lot don’t come through, and it seems for long tracks this is a rather consistent issue, although it might just be perception based on the latest 2 releases passing none of the acousticIDs, being both releases with only +15minute tracks.)
I’d like to know that myself, but I don’t know if that’s possible. That is exactly the issue: if the server’s down, it’s down; but if it’s not, you just don’t know if something’s wrong, or it’s just taking longer than usual.
It’s generally possible to ask the AcoustID API for the status of a submission. But Picard doesn’t store past submissions and hence cannot check the status.
There is a ticket https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/PICARD-2163 about this. Generally having some kind of AcoustID submission dialog with more details would be indeed useful.
But in the end it wouldn’t tell you anything new except that the submission is still pending. And for those cases where the fingerprints never get processed and they are stuck in pending this is not of much help. Have a look at the issue Submission stuck in pending state · Issue #70 · acoustid/acoustid-server · GitHub , it has a couple of API calls to submissions that are stuck in pending state.
It’s remarkably quiet in this thread, so is it just me who’s not been able to properly submit fingerprints in weeks? Not a single one that went through, they’re all pending, it seems, even though the stats page looks normal to me.
It’s either down or still very, very slow.
I submitted 2 AcoustIDs a week ago that appear to still be pending. Ones I’d submitted before that showed up, but after a delay.
Same here. My recent submissions all are stuck. I wrote lukz an e-mail, maybe he hasn’t seen the forum discussions and isn’t aware about the issues. But could also be that it just needs more time.
I have noticed that none of my submissions are going through either.
How are you checking that the submissions are imported? Can you give me an example of something stuck? I’m not aware of any issues currently.
Ok, I think I found the problem. I was in the process of replacing one of the core components for fingerprint search and didn’t notice it was impacting imports due to a small inconsistency in the API. So imports were only running against one third of the index servers, the full set was only used by searches. It should be fixed now.
@lukz First check is to see if the AcoustIDs show up.limled on MB for the recording they got submitted to. If they don’t show up even after some time something seems wrong.
More specific is looking into the Picard logs and checking the returned submission IDs, then using the AcoustID API to check the status. (Picard does not yet do this itself, but would be a nice improvement we have a ticket for). In many cases the submission is stuck pending.
Recent submissions I did a couple of days ago and that got stuck are
{'status': 'ok', 'submissions': [{'id': 738468945, 'index': '0', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468946, 'index': '1', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468947, 'index': '2', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468948, 'index': '3', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468949, 'index': '4', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468950, 'index': '5', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468951, 'index': '6', 'status': 'pending'}, {'id': 738468952, 'index': '7', 'status': 'pending'}]}
Thanks, just saw you answer. I’ll check again with my recent submissions
@lukz my recent submissions went through now just fine, thanks for the fix!
But donyoubhave also some idea on Submission stuck in pending state · Issue #70 · acoustid/acoustid-server · GitHub ? Some very specific fingerprint submissions seem to be never processed at all. They are just kind of stuck in pending forever (at least for years now).
There is a problem with the submission_status endpoint, not with the actual import process. I need to investigate that as it doesn’t make sense, but I kept it as low priority.
It’s more than just the status, though. Have a look at the examples from my last comment on that GitHub issue. The status is still pending and there is no AcoustID linked to the recording on MB (e.g. Recording “Terra Mitica” by Unusual Cosmic Process - Fingerprints - MusicBrainz).
I can try resubmitting the fingerprints. But experience from the past showed that it makes no difference. It will just be another submission ID in pending state.
There seems to be an issue with very specific submission data not being processed.