Replication failing on new beta Musicbrainz VM


Everything is going great with the new VM, cheers, and great work. The server does in fact work great, im able to query it as is, working great with Picard. One caveat has been encountered. The indexes build fine, and then once I start replication it takes off and goes fine, but eventually fails. Unfortunately the specific error isnt in front of me as the replication is still in progress (3rd attempt) and hasnt failed yet. But it is something to the effect of “Replication packet #95626 not available” and replication stops.

I am running the VM in a Freenas/BSD Virtualbox jail, ample RAM and resources.

So I wonder if others are encountering this? Is there a fix or workaround? Or, is this expected?

Thus far there has been very little chatter on the subject. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can replicate a new packet every hour. As soon as you got the last available packet (the one from the last hour) you will see the “Replication… not available”.

This message is not pretty and not very helpful, but technically correct: At the time you try to get a new packet, there is no newer information. :wink:

If you wait for the next full hour (and some random minutes) you can replicate a new packet.


Makes sense. Thank you for your timely response. Be well, and great work you guys!

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