Relating specific recording of work to new recording

I’m a bit stuck on how to approach adding relationships for some tracks on this album that are piano arrangements of specific covers of an existing work.

For example, You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Wheezy’s Version) (1) is an arrangement of You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Wheezy’s Version) (2) which is a recording of You’ve Got a Friend in Me (3). (Same thing for You’ve Got a Friend in Me (para el Buzz Español).)

I initially tried setting (1) as an instrumental version of (2), but I don’t think that’s right according to the description (there’s no removed vocal - it’s a new piano arrangement).

Do I just use (3) as the work relationship and forget about linking to (2) from (1)?

Apologies if I’m missing something obvious.

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I’m not sure I followed every detail of your question, but I would only link recordings if one recording specifically edited or contained parts of another recording. If it’s a new recording of the same work, the recordings should be attached to the same work but not each other. (In some cases you might need to add a new version of the work but I’d be pretty conservative about that. Unless it significantly alters the lyrics or music or is a published arrangement performed by multiple additional artists, stick with the original.)


yes, do that.

there shouldn’t really be a direct relationship between recording #1 (the piano recording by Joohyun Park) and recording #2 (from Toy Story); both should be linked to the same Randy Newman work (#3).

i wasn’t even aware you could set up a relation between two recordings like you did in so yeah, it probably should be removed imo.


Thanks both - I’ve removed the recording links.

In some cases you might need to add a new version of the work but I’d be pretty conservative about that. Unless it significantly alters the lyrics or music or is a published arrangement performed by multiple additional artists, stick with the original.

I checked on ASCAP and both performances seem to fall under the same work (ISWC T0711904458) so I guess it makes sense to group them here, too.

That’s my exact definition of an instrumental.
Where the piano plays the melody.

But some other people don’t agree

I noticed that other songs sometimes have works added for their translations, e.g. Song “A Whole New World” - MusicBrainz - so maybe You’ve Got a Friend in Me (para el Buzz Español) should get its own work after all.