I tried to add a Qobuz link for Natural Causes as “purchase for download” relationship, but there’s an error message saying: “Some relationship types are missing for this URL”
It works if I select “streaming page” - that’s fine, because you can also stream it, but you can also “purchase for download”.
“Are missing”, it’s not that download is invalid, it’s that you need to click the Add another relationship and do streaming as well. You can have both at once. For example like this release has
I’ve also had this issue. Some Qobuz releases are purchase only. It’ll let you add both, then go back and remove the streaming. However, it’d be nice not to have to do it this way.
The website currently auto-selects “streaming” relationship type which is the most common and allow for additional relationship of type “download”. But it doesn’t allow for “streaming” alone indeed.