Plugin Disable Ticket - Still an issue? PICARD-1067 - Ambiguity Be Darned!

It says …closed, and the ticket says it’s a visual issue only, that the plugin in actually disabled.

… that may be well and good. Except. It’s not. :wink:

It still does it.

Does it stay disabled through a quit / restart of the application? Do I have to go back in there and carefully confirm the amount of clicks, as typically when you click the green check the first time it just blinks at you. You’ve got to do it again for the red X.

… or is that telling me that I had actually disabled it before- but it’s still the visual issue, so I should click it again and leave it on the green state before making it so?

At carumba. :exploding_head:

That ticket was about a very specific issue: When you disabled a plugin it correctly got disabled and displayed as disabled, but if you opened the options again it showed as enabled. And this is for an old version of Picard with a completely different plugin options interface. So yes, that specific issue got resolved.

So your issue is something different. But I honestly can’t tell from your description what your issue is. Maybe s hort explanation of the icons can help you:

  • Down arrow: If a plugin shows a down arrow, the plugin is not installed. Clicking on the down arrow will download and enable the plugin. The down arrow will change to a green checkmark.
  • Green checkmark: This indicates the plugin is installed and enabled. Clicking on the green checkmark will disable the plugin, the icon will change to a red X.
  • Red X: This indicates the plugin is installed but disabled. Clicking on the red button will enable it, the icon will change to a green checkmark.

This is all supposed to work. If it doesn’t please give more details

  • on what you are actually doing
  • what the result of your action is, and what you expected
  • the plugin you tried to enable / disable
  • any errors shown in the Error / Debug Log

I’m experiencing pretty much the exact behavior as that ticket describes.

I’m good with all the functions.

When I go to disable a plugin, changing it to a red X, and close the window, reopen it, it’s back to a green checkmark again.

In fact, I can change to a red X and then click on another plugin in and it changes that red X back to a green checkmark.

IOW, the only way to disable plugins that have been enabled previously is the remove them from the directory.

In this particular case, I am wanting to disable the APIseeds lyrics plugin, so I don’t chew up all my credits on reloading the same stuff additional times.

I want to sort, do whatever, and then deal with album art once I’m happy with the rest of the stuff. Otherwise constantly loading all the artwork, hitting all the external servers/data sources that are optional is just a waste of time.

Are you sure you are properly closing the dialog with apply and not just canceling it?

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Absolutely. :slight_smile:
Been doing this whole thing long enough that … I know an “apply”/“okay”/“done” button when I see it. Even when it’s themed cleverly so into the application.

Which ever since it was changed to “Make It So”… has been pretty satisfying itself.

Like I said in the first post. I go to the plugin options, click once on the green checkmark, it responds to the click in that it appears to have been pressed, but when released, it’s still green.

Click it again and it goes red. Go down to the right corner, “Make it So!” and… go back and look, and So, it’ s not. It’s showing green.

Strange thing. Is there any output in the error log?

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Nothing in the error log. …and it seems to only be this one, although I have not tried each one individually, this is the only one I tend to want to switch off at times.

As I noted in the comment on the video, even the unique Add Album Column plugin will show ‘disabled’ in the listing, and you don’t even ever need to enable it. To lose that one, you’ve got to pull it out.

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Dragged that plug in out and every album is showing red now. Though the end result is a saved album where I want it, so I don’t particularly care about it.

68, in add_artist_website
    albumArtistIds = dict.get(track_metadata,'musicbrainz_albumartistid', [])
TypeError: descriptor 'get' requires a 'dict' object but received a 'Metadata'

E: 22:18:56,388 album.error_append:259: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "picard/", line 404, in _finalize_loading_track
  File "picard/", line 409, in run_track_metadata_processors
  File "picard/", line 219, in run
  File "/Users/tdiaz/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/", line 68, in add_artist_website
    albumArtistIds = dict.get(track_metadata,'musicbrainz_albumartistid', [])
TypeError: descriptor 'get' requires a 'dict' object but received a 'Metadata'```
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I can finally reproduce this, but only on macOS. The behavior seems to be that a single click is enough to trigger the action (activate / deactivate), but the icon does only change on a second click.

So if the plugin is enabled:

  1. First click disables the plugin, but the icon stays the green check mark
  2. Second click enables the plugin again, but the icon changes to disabled

Indeed saving after the first clicks and reopening the options shows the plugin as disabled. I will look into this.

Also an incompatibility in the albumartist_website plugin, I will fix this also.

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Hey I’ve been using MB Picard for a little while and recently started playing with plugins. I am encountering the error mentioned in this thread, but while using the Classical Extras plugin. I wonder if there is a bug that is affecting more than one plugin? I also noticed the enable/disable visual bug in MacOS. The tooltip (i think) shows the correct state.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "picard/", line 404, in _finalize_loading_track
  File "picard/", line 409, in run_track_metadata_processors
  File "picard/", line 219, in run
  File "/Users/heather/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/", line 4138, in add_work_info
    self.ERROR = options["log_error"]
TypeError: string indices must be integers
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "picard/", line 404, in _finalize_loading_track
  File "picard/", line 409, in run_track_metadata_processors
  File "picard/", line 219, in run
  File "/Users/heather/Library/Preferences/MusicBrainz/Picard/plugins/", line 4138, in add_work_info
    self.ERROR = options["log_error"]
TypeError: string indices must be integers

The Classical Extras plugin is kind of working the way the documentation states, but it’s also throwing these errors so I’m a little confused. If there’s something I can do to help let me know. I’m a developer but haven’t yet contributed to this project.

These are separate things. The issue described above is about an optical glitch of the status button of a plugin, which does not toggle the icon on click on macOS. This is independent of the plugins. This will be fixed in the coming release.

The Classical Extras plugin currently is not compatible with changes made in Picard 2.2. If you are using Classical Extras it is recommended for now that you use Picard 2.1.3 until the issues have been resolved. See


Thanks. Downgrading fixed the error

Actually, I just want to clarify, it’s the visual glitch, but it’s also not actually working either. Closing the Options is causing the same behavior as un-focusing. Selecting it to show a red X doesn’t actually disable it, nor does just clicking one time. The only way for me to actually disable a plugin is to use the delete function from the plugin options panel.

Yanking them out after quitting Picard technically works, too - but it also appears to leave the application in a broken state.

Though I will admit, the behavior that happens after yanking API Seeds Lyrics is a bit useful.

The API seeds deal is, just yanking the API key will keep it from running premium credits down during trial and error scanning / swapping album releases/versions. But it then chews at the free allotment which when that’s run out for the month, it causes delays and lag due to the “too many requests” bit.

I almost feeling like seeing if the options window can be made to stay open so plugins can be switched on/off right away. Once that is working, that is.

Turn off Album Art fetching … pretty much any other plugin that fetches data external of the metadata from the MB DB.

With regards to that whole thing, I still say fetching album art, lyrics, et al, for albums because scan matched a single track to a 150+ track release … is a waste of time. :slight_smile: Then you change the release to another version and it just chucks all that what was queried … and does it again.

I know, the debate could go on forever I suppose. Another way to describe it could be purgatory. A center column, between left and right. From the left, to the center, only fetch metadata, and when that’s all the way you want it, move it over to the right so it can grab cover art, lyrics, whatever else.
