Meeting start: IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
In the last week I have…
Started composing the next installments in the “monthly” Community Recap posts (sorry for falling so behind! D:)
Written an April Fool’s blog post, which far most people were able to see through, but we had a few people who did not, so I also spent a bit of time trying to contain the “fallout” of that.
Handled one (or two?) editor reports.
Spent a fair amount of time reading Discourse posts, Twitter, IRC, … - being around and available.
monday was easter monday, so I didn’t do that much.
I went to the office with our mural artist and discussed getting a couple of wall murals done.
I’ve got some sketches if anyone wants to see.
tuesday was a mish-mash email, kind of day.
wednesday was travel to london.
thursday I had a pile of meetings. one with rassami one of our directors. she does PR and marketing and has agreed to help us tune our messages for our projects and for metabrainz.
and we think that when we push LB into beta we will have this polish done and do a press release.
there was an article in vice recently that talked all about music metadata. mentioned everyone, but us.
so, we have a perception issue that needs fixing and over the next few months we’ll work on fixing that.
in the evening I met with a person from Berklee college of music about an initiative to improve music licensensing in the industry.
via open standards and open source.
it was a good conversation, but I remain skeptical about kumbaya solutions.
friday was more meetings and I could’ve had even more time. lots going on.
I’m going back to london in 3 weeks time for a conference. sigh.
regarding the office: we have an electrician coming tomorrow morning to sort that. not sure what needs to happen, but we only need to concern ourselves with opening the door.
in the middle of the night!!!
in theory the internet installer dude will be there shortly after the electrician. if he can do anything without power, that will be a miracle.
so, through a miracle we might have power and internet tomorrow.
a nice solid router is arriving tomorrow too.
so, I expect power and internet some time next week.
I had a school-mostly week.
Was doing support as needed, including helping some Korean students with schoolwork
Found out the IA is blocked in Russia apparently which is pretty annoying for our cover art, but not much we can do there I guess
Speaking of the IA, also got in touch with them re: making bigger thumbnails. There’s a ticket in their tracker for it now, no idea when it’ll get done
But at least it’s on their side now
And even though the PRs are from last week really, I’m happy to see that I got the biggest part of this week’s release! (at least in ticket numbers, if probably not in lines of code :p)
My main activity of last week was the time spent at Hacienda (Revenue/Tax office).
We have a business ID number (provisional).
So…I was able to start the process of getting our internet connected.
Still waiting for the bank approval of an account, but one step closer.
Other than the usual correspondence… I had a phone call with Omnifone.
They claim to have the ‘capability to ingest’ our metadata…but not to actually use the data.
Regardless…they were planting some sort of idea related to AcousticBrainz and sharing something audio…
So…we will keep up the conversation.
They were part-way to agreeing to support…or at least get their clients to… ya know, if/when they ever were to use that data…
well, i was fighting a flu
so spent most of my time in bed … but i feel better now
apart that, usual maintenance
then the havoc saturday after corosync upgrade
i postponed the letsencrypt + chef thing as much i could, … at a point i didnt do much … i’ll resume on this tomorrow (<—=
I did few tasks on Picard + userscripts side though (finally wrote the CD Baby importer)
and i tried to understand which bots are running or not … we’ll discuss that later in the meeting
a week or so ago we submtted a paper using acousticbrainz to one of the main academic conferences which our group participates in
will have news in a few months if it’s been accepted or not
today I got back to AB code review and merged a bunch of stuff that Gentlecat had done
I’m also starting to formalise some development processes and get them written down so that we can use them for SoC
mostly about how much planning we do for tickets, where we talk, what is needed for a merge (tests, style, etc)
then acceptance messages go out a few weeks after that
that’s about it.
oh, wait. not quite.
final thing, Read xml attributes and values from <attribute-list> elements by alastair · Pull Request #190 · alastair/python-musicbrainzngs · GitHub
for any python people
I’m having a real hard time deciding how to expose attributes in pymb
and would appreciate any feedback on that PR
The situation is that we have about 1½ active bots. There was some discussion about whether MetaBrainz should consider running a bot on their own as well as concerns over difficulty of tracking down source code for bots.
We decided to look into revamping the Bot Code of Conduct to require bots to be open source and have certain information in the bot user’s Bio field: who maintains it, where its source code is located, and data about where/how they are hosted/run. We will also recommend (maybe require) that bots log in to MusicBrainz when they are run so we can use the user profile’s “last login” field to determine whether a bot was recently active, whether or not it made any edits.
We will revisit the topic for the next meeting and then follow up with a blog post .