Naming Is Hard, Atomic Kitten edition

Sages of MusicBrainz, what would you name this release?


I’d probably go with either Whole Again: The Best Of or Whole Again: The Best of Atomic Kitten for the release title myself


I believe it’s best to include the artist name in this case. Style / Titles - MusicBrainz.


Even with the artist name above the title? It does look better but seems to me with the spine included that it would be “Whole Again: The Best Of”. That if they wanted it to be The Best of Atomic Kitten that it would at least show that on the spine. I think what the guidelines are saying is to not leave the band name out when it’s a continuation of what’s printed. I imagine if a physical release was available for the example they show (couldn’t find one, unfortunately) that the spine would likely say The Best of Tangerine Dream. It’s the spine here that makes me think that’s the name. I’m not opposed to having it Whole Again: The Best of Atomic Kitten personally though. That’s just how I’ve always interpreted guidelines and opinions from past similar edits.


One vote for “Whole Again: The Best of Atomic Kitten” as well. Or at least, that is what I would choose.

Only marginally relevant, but too nice not to mention: A cover where confusion about inclusion of the artist name is intentional: ( and indeed in the release group we find a nice mix of both options).


I read your suggestion as:

Whole Again: The Best Of: Whole Again: The Best of Atomic Kitten

And would like to formally give it my +1


To me, according to experience, guidelines and cover art, I would definitively opt for Whole Again: The Best Of by Atomic Kitten.

FWIW, that’s also the choice made on


I’d also say “Whole Again: The Best of”

But I am waiting to see the suggestion of the band name being Atomic✶Kitten… but I can’t find a star that matches the layout of the points… (/joke) :rofl:


[looks for star to use in domain name]

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Just looked at some of their other albums… they use that star a lot… but always point down. I now want to go punch the graphic artist before some pedantic editor tries to change how to spell the name in MB… :joy: