Mosaic Don Byas release: sets us up for future work on this amazing tenor saxophonist

It has been educational to set up and work through the Mosaic release of Don Byas Classic Sessions 1944-1946. This took 8 months, on and off. The release now includes disambiguations for all recordings. Original single releases for the recordings were added and linked, which involved adding some labels for 78 rpm 10 inch shellac releases. Many works added, with streaming links for the singles. In some cases, I added further recording annotations for confusing takes of the same work, as in here and here. I’ve added all the discographical cover art; because the release is still in print, I did not scan and add the big booklet that contains Loren Schoenberg’s copyrighted liner notes. Perhaps that can be done when the release goes out of print someday. This release sets up things for further MusicBrainz work on Don Byas recordings, especially the European period (most everything after 1946-09).


Very nice work! I love Byas, although I only have a few compilations. I may need to get myself a copy of this Mosaic set…

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