TL;DR version: What causes a release group to be included in this report? Why do some individual release groups appear twice as if they need to be merged with themselves? Why do some individual RGs appear when there are no candidate groups with which to merge?
Discussion: I’ve been occasionally viewing this report to see if there are any releases that need to be merged. However, it’s confusing to me and I can’t find any specific documentation for it.
For example, the top two entries are for Ólafur Arnalds …and They Have Escaped the Weight of Darkness. It looks like a good candidate to merge, except they are both for the same group There doesn’t seem to be a duplicate group to merge with this one.
Another issue is there are several release groups listed by themselves with no obvious merge candidates. For example, Agressiva 69 2,47 is listed but there are no other release groups by the same artist or with similar names listed near it in the report. As far as I can tell, the RG doesn’t have any relationship that would trigger its inclusion in this report.