Master thread: Is my IP blocked / IP blacklisted / VPN blocked / QNAP / Can't connect to / Picard doesn't work on home network

I have a QNAP NAS and didn’t know about the blocked IP addresses until recently. I uninstalled Music Station a couple of years ago, but I must have been banned before I did that. I’m on the current QTS version, and do not use any of the QNAP multimedia programs. My IP is Thanks!


Can you check the blocklist for ?
I also cannot connect to

Thanks a lot!

@eriji @WillyWhale your IPs were in the QNAP list, now removed, you should now have access to all our services. Sorry for the inconvenience.


thanks a lot for the quick solution!

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Thank you so much! I’m sorry my NAS was part of the problem.


10 posts were split to a new topic: Why would a NAS be querying MB?

Hi. I am unable to access Musicbrainz or use Picard since past few days. I believe my IP address is also blacklisted. But I switched off my router at night for an IP address refresh. I have a new IP address now, but I am still unable to access the services except by going on my mobile phone data.

I don’t understand what these QNAP services or devices are. The only change I’ve had in the past month in my household is install iTunes for my new iPhone and getting a new Wi-Fi router.

@LWTBP can you provide your IP address so I can check?

My IP address:

The IP you recently got was probably used by bad guys few days ago and was temporarily listed in public blacklists. That’s unrelated to QNAP devices for once.
I refreshed our lists and it was removed, so you should now be able to access all our services. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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@Zas It’s working now. Thank you so much.

What can we do to prevent this in the future?

Just read this. No problem. I appreciate the prompt help.

Not much, that’s just bad luck in this case. Though you can always contact me if it happens again, we’ll advise.


It seems my IP is blocked as well, despite i do not have a QNAP device.
Tracert ends by a Hetzner Server
My ip is

Btw. dnslookup at mxtoolbox doesn’t show a AAAA Record for musicbrainz. Is this correct?

Hey @Voidi

I unblocked your IP, sorry for the inconvenience.
And yes, hasn’t a AAAA record yet, because it doesn’t support IPv6 yet, but this is something on the work.

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Thank your for quick response.

Hi, I think my IP may have been blacklisted as well. I can access MusicBrainz through a proxy but not through my home network.
The traceroute ends at
9 ( 23.204 ms ( 24.524 ms 27.272 ms
Thank you

Edit: I use this python script to aid in searching for albums. Maybe that’s being picked up as scraping.

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@nugget720 what’s your IP?

Hi - I think my IP is also blocked.

Send me your IP to support at so I can have a look. Thanks.