Login to AcoustID site failing with MusicBrainz account

Like the title says, not much to add. Never seen this before. Error is simply “MusicBrainz login failed”, no further details.
Anyone have any thoughts?


Looks like the server gone sick again… I tried to click on an AcoustID and it spat out an internal error. Issues like this often get fixed in a few days.

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I only get a “MusicBrainz login failed” message.

Yeah, something is wonky. Some acoustID links start spitting out 500 Internal Server Errors

same here: clicking on an acoustID —> Internal Server Error
NO Data in Imported Submissions

I am seeing the same issue
Neither my MusicBrainz or Google accounts allow me to authenticate and get a key.
Is this an issue that recurs from time to time?

Never seen it before. Still happening rn.
The age of new failures: IA DDoS, acoustID (temporary) fatal… :scream:

I’m new to this program, Jaikoz, just paid for it yesterday. It seams as though without acoustID, it can not figure out most of what I send through it.

It looks like after some troubleshooting on similar issues in the past, getting in contact with the maintainer @lukz so he could take a look at the system helped since, in the case of AcoustID submission issues, there was bad data holding up the queue. (lukz, I hope you don’t mind the ping — sorry if this is intrusive! Besides fingerprint submission issues, as the title of this topic notes, logins to the AcoustID site with MusicBrainz as the IdP consistently fail.)

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Best to report this on Github as well. I added Login and data submission is failing · Issue #134 · acoustid/acoustid-server · GitHub


to stt78
Yes, that’s the way it is.