Very good way of telling when we should not merge release groups!
That means we shouldn’t merge original singles and remix singles either, then.
I frequently see those but with this simple question is quite easy to say they shouldn’t.
There’s a debate about whether or not to merge these remix singles into one release group. edit #41866511
As I mentioned on the edit, I believe it’s better for releases like those to be grouped together rather than having a release group for each of them, after all, isn’t that the purpose of a release group?
I’ll start right with an example:
Blue Sky Black Death has an album called “Noire”. In the Noire release group you can find Noire and Noire DLXE which is a delux version containing bonus remixes.
Then there is also an additional release group called Noire + Violet which only contains some of the remixes from Noire DLXE, but no original tracks from Noire.
I’d still argue it should be in the same release group.
Instrumental versions of albums are also in the same release group as the original…
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