Jira ticket onebox issue with < and > characters

I have noticed that the Jira ticket issue description text could be inaccurately fetched when they contain characters that must be escaped like < lt; (lesser than) and > gt; (greater than) and maybe also & &amp; (ampersand) but I did not see this one.

In this example post onebox, pointing to a Jira ticket, <person> and <group> have been removed from the text:

Has/had member should default to <person> was a member of <group>

To become:

Has/had member should default to was a member of

I wanted to see if I could improve this Jira onebox but I didn’t find the code.


Not sure, but it is probably using https://github.com/Jake-Shadle/discourse_jira or a fork of this. I guess @Freso knows.

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