Is there an API call to get the MusicBrainz Wikipedia link for specific artists?

Hi Friends! My partner and have been trying to figure this question out (i.e. Is there an API call to get the MusicBrainz Wikipedia link for specific artists?) and having a difficult time figuring it out. Perhaps we just missed it somewhere (apologies if that’s the case), but feel we did a somewhat deep dive on the topic with no luck. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!

You can make a JSON lookup call to your artist and then take the Wikidata relation you find.
Then load the Wikidata page and get your Wikipedia link(s) for the language(s) you want.

If you find no Wikidata relation for the artist, take a Wikipedia relation, directly, if any. And cross your fingers that it has not been renamed or deleted.


Specifically you need the inc=url-rels parameter to make the response include the URL relationships of an entity.


Just wanted to loop back here and say thank you @jesus2099 and @elomatreb for your responses and help! Think we’re on the right track now. Many thanks!