Is there a way to get others to check something?

I don’t feel very confident about a lot of the finer details that end up in a lot of releases so I just avoid them, I mostly just try to add missing releases and artists. But say I come across something that seems off but don’t know about fixing myself, is there a way to get others to check for me? Or do I just post here?
For example

I get that JENNIE from BLACKPINK is a huge success, but I question her composing songs before she was even 2 years old. Unless I’m misunderstanding something?

Also I will point out the humour of the groups name being Baby V.O.X (Voice of Xpression) and a song being apparently composed by a 2 year old.


Well, this is added with Wikipedia as a source. The actual credit there is for 신성호 (already present) and 김제이, which does not seem to have anything to do with JENNIE. I don’t speak Korean nor know the artist though, so I have no idea whether that artist is the same as 김제이미 (which is in our DB) or a different person.

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This is what I figured as well. I’d remove the invalid credit and probably add a new artist for the second composer to be on the safe side. Looking at the editing history for the work, the incorrect credit was probably an oversight.

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I couldn’t even figure out where to find the edit that created it! Thank you for checking! Hopefully someone else can fix this for me as editing those details is a bit beyond me still.