I’m still not very good at searching, so I would like to ask if it’s possible to search for artists that have a WikiData external link?
Not as such, I think - I think you can search for all Wikidata links, but not specifically limit them to artists, and can’t search for artists by link type. Unless you have a copy of the SQL database, in which case you can do everything, of course.
Really? how?
I‘m only aware that you can search for edits that involve a Wikidata link.
Wikidata but it seems it only works in the web service at the moment.
There is also @nikki’s http://notlob.eu/urlsearch/?url=wikidata.org%2Fwiki%2FQ&partial=on
Is it possible to get more than 1000 results?
I’m only getting an XML page with less than 100 results. Is it possible to get more such results?
No, it is not.
http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/url/?query=wikidata but it seems it only works in the web service at the moment.
I’m only getting an XML page with less than 100 results. Is it possible to get more such results?
Use https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/url/?query=wikidata&offset=100 for second page, and so on and so forth.
Or offset=25&limit=25, offset=50&limit=25, etc. cf. Paging.