Installing "Classical extras"

I’m running Picard on OSX. I’ve downloaded “Classical Extras” and the .zip is sitting in my plugins folder. But I can’t seem to access the features anywhere. No dropdown menu or anything. I tried unzipping it and leaving the unzipped folder in plugins, also just placing the invdividual files there… neither works!

How do I actually install this plugin?

Firstly, it does not work on version 2.0 of Picard yet, so please make sure you have 1.4.
When you click on “plugins” on the options menu, you should see it selected and listed as “installed”. If not to select it and click on the “install” box .
To use it, click the drop-down “>” next to the word “Plugins” and then select “Classical Extras”. There are several tabs of options - see the documentation for how to use it.
Please make sure you are using the latest version here rather than the version on the main Picard website (I will have another go at getting that updated shortly!).

Ah, got it! Looks like it was installed all along and I was looking in the wrong place for the “>”.
